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    University of Puerto Rico

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  • Biography

    Since 2016, the Center has been key to my scientific growth, exposing me to different workshops and enriching scientific experiences. I have also had the opportunity to participate in the international BioXFEL conferences from 2016 through 2020 and present my research. After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, BioXFEL relocated us to SLAC at Stanford University where I had the opportunity to continue my research and recover part of my project that I had lost due to the Hurricane. Besides being a BioXFEL Scholar, I also had the opportunity to meet great scientists and students who like me, who were in the same difficult process of graduate school. Thanks to BioXFEL I was able to complete my master’s degree during the pandemic in the summer of 2020 and I am now assistant professor at UPR Bayamón Campus. I will always be very grateful to BioXFEL and Dr.William Bauer for the great opportunity they have given me to be part of this Center and their essential role in the completion of my degree.

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