Recent Advances in SFX at BioXFEL
25 Jul 2015 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): John Spence
Dr. John Spence, Scientific Director for BioXFEL, discusses recent advances in the field of serial crystallography.
SFX Data Reduction and Preprocessing with Cheetah
25 Jul 2015 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Dr. Nadia Zatsepin discusses how to use the software program Cheetah to reduce raw SFX data from LCLS to a set of crystal "hits".
SFX Indexing and Integration with CrystFEL
25 Jul 2015 | Teaching Materials
Dr. Thomas White discusses how to index and integrate serial crystallography images using the CrystFEL software package.
Introduction to serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant
Introduction to serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers.
Presentation on software for SFX.
LCLS serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis instructions
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
SFX data analysis at LCLS Overview.
Data Analysis Scripts
21 Jul 2015 | Downloads
A repository of useful scripts for the analysis of XFEL data.