Graduated BioXFEL Summer Interns
BioXFEL is committed to ensuring a quality experience for all interns both during and after their internships. We frequently follow up with interns after they have graduated, track their progression through their scientific careers and provide extended support. Some interns choose to reapply to BioXFEL for a second summer, while others move to other exciting opportunities with our collaborators with New Internships or Graduate Programs. See our former interns' individual success stories.
Regardless of your future plans, BioXFEL wants you to be successful and will help you achieve your goals. Our past interns have been very accomplished and are now doing some great things.
2024 Interns
2023 Interns
2022 Interns
2021 Interns
2020 Interns
BioXFEL summer interns and mentors meet via Zoom for our first virtual internship program
2019 Interns
Left: Buffalo-based BioXFEL interns after their UB Summer Research Day poster presentations
Right: BioXFEL interns placed at Rice University for the summer of 2019
2018 Interns
Left: Students from the BioXFEL internship at Rice visit the 2018 LCLS Users meeting to present their work and tour LCLS
Center: BioXFEL interns at ASU following their final presentations
Right: UPR Graduate students spend the summer at SLAC to work on their thesis projects
2017 Interns
Left: UPR Students Frances Heredia and Efrain Rodriguez traveled from Puerto Rico to spend a summer doing research in Buffalo.
Center: BioXFEL interns at Rice University visit the Linac Coherent Lightsource (LCLS) during the 2017 Users Meeting.
Right: Buffalo interns attend the 2017 Buffalo Summer Research Day to present their results and network with over 80 local interns and researchers.
2016 Interns
Left: 2016 Interns with Site Coordinator, Rob Lawrence, at Arizona State University (ASU). Students stayed on campus and assisted with lab work, participated in a Scientific Communications Workshop, and presented their research results to the BioXFEL group of interns. Two interns pictured here were admitted to Graduate Programs at ASU. Others are well on their way to excellent careers and are participating in summer internships at Cornell and in industry.
Center: In 2016, BioXFEL received a supplement to enhance its REU program and was able to add 7 summer internship positions to Rice University. This new group (left) was integrated with the Rice University using a NSF supplement awarded to BioXFEL.
Right: Following their internship, the interns were given the opportunity to attend the 2016 SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting where they presented their posters toured the LCLS experimental halls (right).
2015 Interns
Left: Fiacre Kabayiza is a former undergraduate researcher assistant at Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Fiacre has helped to develop a new crystallization screen for sub-zero temperatures and designed a new BioXFEL game to educate future generations of students and routinely assisted with video editing and the BioXFEL website.
Middle: Reinaldo Hernandez of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez presented his summer research project at the Univerisity at Buffalo Summer Research Symposium in 2015. His worked involved the development of lipid nanodiscs as a sample delivery method for membrane proteins used in single particle diffraction.
Right: Former BioXFEL interns Alex Schaeffer (2014+15, left) and Gabriela Cassanova (2015+16 right) traveled to LCLS to collect data with the Fromme Lab in August 2016.
2014 Interns
Our first class of interns in 2014 consisted of 12 interns at 3 different sites (ASU, HWI and UWM). They have paved the way for future interns and assisted in the development of our current undergraduate summer internship program. Our 2014 interns have gone on to participate in an MD/PhD program at Upstate Medical in Syracuse, the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and many other prestigious programs. Emily Kwan (pictured at right) recently obtained a position in Bioengineering at Epic Healthcare in Madison Wisconsin.
Left: Summer interns often have the chance to visit the Linac Coherent Lightsource (LCLS) to assist with data collection.
Middle: Nicole Coloney checks on her Influenza virus protein crystallization results.
Right: Emily Kwan gives her presentation to a large group at the UB Summer Research Day Symposium. She did a fantastic job presenting her findings on the effects of Cytochrome b5 Reductase mutations and their role in electron transport.