
X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) present unique capabilities to revolutionize structural biology and its ability to probe the biological world. As the NASA Apollo era captured a generation's interest in outer space, these unique capabilities have the potential to capture the imagination of students, teachers, and potential scientists interested in inner space; we will foster this effect through our educational programs.

The BioXFEL Science and Technology Center encompasses wide areas of scientific and technical expertise. We strive to make opportunities available by encouraging a broad representation of expertise and fostering education that drives our science and builds the scientific community for the future.

Phase Retrieval Workshop 2021


BioXFEL sponsored a remote Phase Retrieval Workshop Monday, October 18 through Tuesday, October 19 2021. The workshop featured a mix of lectures and virtual demonstrations delivered by BioXFEL staff, scholars, and collaborators.


BioXFEL Crystallization Workshop 2021

BioXFEL will be sponsoring a remote Crystallization Workshop Friday, April 2nd, 2021.

The workshop will feature both introductory and specialized topics dealing with the crystallization of biological macromolecules and will cover techniques commonly employed in modern structural biology. The workshop will include mix of lectures and virtual demonstrations delivered by BioXFEL staff and Scholars.

Please click on the link below to register. You will and receive a Zoom meeting access code two days before the event.


BioXFEL JoVE Playlist

The University at Buffalo has sponsored a JoVE playlist for BioXFEL Scholars, trainees and emerging scientists. This curated list of videos contains education and research topics that are essential to the Center. If you already have a Jove account, you can access our playlist directly through Select videos from our playlist are embedded below.

Please review this collection of videos on Basic Laboratory Safety before beginning to work in the lab. These videos are not meant to substitute for any official training required by your University, but may help you become more familiar with common practices before starting your research experience.


Lab Management Workshop Series

BioXFEL is sponsoring a workshop series that will cover a core set of interpersonal and collaborative skills that scientists need to do their current jobs as well as skills they will need when they move on to other positions in academia or the private sector. The first workshop (“Difficult conversations in the research workplace: Fundamentals of negotiation) will be given on Sunday, January 31st 2021, from 10:00 AM-3:00PM EST and the second (Best foot forward, Part 1: Interviewing skills) on Monday February 1st 2021, from 10:00AM-2:30 PM EST.