Submit News Articles

How to Share Your News

BioXFEL related research advances are happening every day and the STC administration would like to help you engage the community by promoting your ideas and results.  Submissions are not limited in nature and may also include opinion pieces.  You may upload your file as a word document.  We require at least one associated image per submission.

Use this form to submit your article

Events & Job Postings

The STC is happy to support the scientific community by promoting relevant events and job postings.  You may use the same form to submit such items.  Images such as institutional logos or event insignia may be included.


-        Font:  Calibri size 11

-        Word Count: up to 1000


All submissions will be reviewed within 3 business days. 


Please contact Erin Uppington, Associate Director of Administration, with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 716-898-8610.