PDB Structures Attributed to BioXFEL Researchers Since Start of BioXFEL Grant

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Method: Free Electron Laser
Structure of 8X6P
Structure ID: 8X6P
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-11-21
Structure of 8X34
Structure ID: 8X34
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yilmaz M.,Gul M.,Tavli S.,Okuducu C.,Gul B.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-11-11
Structure of 8QX9
Structure ID: 8QX9
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38212334
Primary Citation Authors: Sharma K.,Stockert F.,Shenoy J.,Berbon M.,Abdul-Shukkoor M.B.,Habenstein B.,Loquet A.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-10-24
Structure of 8QXA
Structure ID: 8QXA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38212334
Primary Citation Authors: Sharma K.,Stockert F.,Shenoy J.,Berbon M.,Abdul-Shukkoor M.B.,Habenstein B.,Loquet A.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-10-24
Structure of 8QXB
Structure ID: 8QXB
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38212334
Primary Citation Authors: Sharma K.,Stockert F.,Shenoy J.,Berbon M.,Abdul-Shukkoor M.B.,Habenstein B.,Loquet A.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-10-24
Structure of 8QKB
Structure ID: 8QKB
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-14
Structure of 8WAP
Structure ID: 8WAP
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAQ
Structure ID: 8WAQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAR
Structure ID: 8WAR
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAS
Structure ID: 8WAS
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAT
Structure ID: 8WAT
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAU
Structure ID: 8WAU
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAV
Structure ID: 8WAV
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAW
Structure ID: 8WAW
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAX
Structure ID: 8WAX
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAY
Structure ID: 8WAY
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAZ
Structure ID: 8WAZ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WB0
Structure ID: 8WB0
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-08
Structure of 8WAK
Structure ID: 8WAK
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-07
Structure of 8WAL
Structure ID: 8WAL
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-07
Structure of 8WAN
Structure ID: 8WAN
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-07
Structure of 8WAO
Structure ID: 8WAO
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Liu W.,Wang Q.,Wang X.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li W.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-09-07
Structure of 8PRX
Structure ID: 8PRX
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2023-07-12
Structure of 8PKE
Structure ID: 8PKE
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37993462
Primary Citation Authors: Steinebrei M.,Baur J.,Pradhan A.,Kupfer N.,Wiese S.,Hegenbart U.,Schonland S.O.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-06-26
Structure of 8PKF
Structure ID: 8PKF
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37993462
Primary Citation Authors: Steinebrei M.,Baur J.,Pradhan A.,Kupfer N.,Wiese S.,Hegenbart U.,Schonland S.O.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-06-26
Structure of 8PKG
Structure ID: 8PKG
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37993462
Primary Citation Authors: Steinebrei M.,Baur J.,Pradhan A.,Kupfer N.,Wiese S.,Hegenbart U.,Schonland S.O.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-06-26
Structure of 8OZA
Structure ID: 8OZA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Ewert W.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2023-05-08
Structure of 8SQV
Structure ID: 8SQV
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Du S.,Wankowicz S.,Yabukarski F.,Doukov T.,Herschlag D.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-05-04
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8SPL
Structure ID: 8SPL
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Du S.,Wankowicz S.,Yabukarski F.,Doukov T.,Herschlag D.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-05-03
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8SOU
Structure ID: 8SOU
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Du S.,Wankowicz S.,Yabukarski F.,Doukov T.,Herschlag D.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-30
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8SOV
Structure ID: 8SOV
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Du S.,Wankowicz S.,Yabukarski F.,Doukov T.,Herschlag D.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-30
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8SOG
Structure ID: 8SOG
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Du S.,Wankowicz S.,Yabukarski F.,Doukov T.,Herschlag D.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8OT1
Structure ID: 8OT1
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38158175
Primary Citation Authors: Pfeiffer P.B.,Ugrina M.,Schwierz N.,Sigurdson C.J.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-20
Structure of 8OT3
Structure ID: 8OT3
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38158175
Primary Citation Authors: Pfeiffer P.B.,Ugrina M.,Schwierz N.,Sigurdson C.J.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-20
Structure of 8OT4
Structure ID: 8OT4
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38158175
Primary Citation Authors: Pfeiffer P.B.,Ugrina M.,Schwierz N.,Sigurdson C.J.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-20
Structure of 8J1I
Structure ID: 8J1I
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Li J.,Ding Y.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-12
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8OQ4
Structure ID: 8OQ4
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38199491
Primary Citation Authors: Andreotti G.,Baur J.,Ugrina M.,Pfeiffer P.B.,Hartmann M.,Wiese S.,Miyahara H.,Higuchi K.,Schwierz N.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-11
Structure of 8OQ5
Structure ID: 8OQ5
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 38199491
Primary Citation Authors: Andreotti G.,Baur J.,Ugrina M.,Pfeiffer P.B.,Hartmann M.,Wiese S.,Miyahara H.,Higuchi K.,Schwierz N.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-04-11
Structure of 8IWI
Structure ID: 8IWI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shafiei A.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-30
Structure of 8OKR
Structure ID: 8OKR
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37464004
Primary Citation Authors: Heerde T.,Schutz D.,Lin Y.J.,Munch J.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-29
Structure of 8IVJ
Structure ID: 8IVJ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Gul M.,Yuksel B.,Bulut H.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-28
Structure of 8IVK
Structure ID: 8IVK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shafiei A.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-28
Structure of 8IUP
Structure ID: 8IUP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Johnson J.,Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-24
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8IQ7
Structure ID: 8IQ7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Gul M.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-16
Structure of 8IPZ
Structure ID: 8IPZ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Ayan E.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-15
Structure of 8OFA
Structure ID: 8OFA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-14
Structure of 8ILA
Structure ID: 8ILA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37272735
Primary Citation Authors: Dai Y.,Cheng Y.,Ding W.,Qiao H.,Zhang D.,Zhong G.,Xia M.,Tao J.,Sun P.,Fang P.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-03
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8GCS
Structure ID: 8GCS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-03
Structure of 8GCT
Structure ID: 8GCT
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-03
Structure of 8GCV
Structure ID: 8GCV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-03
Structure of 8GCX
Structure ID: 8GCX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-03
Structure of 8GCA
Structure ID: 8GCA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-01
Method: ALS
Structure of 8IL0
Structure ID: 8IL0
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37272735
Primary Citation Authors: Dai Y.,Cheng Y.,Ding W.,Qiao H.,Zhang D.,Zhong G.,Xia M.,Tao J.,Sun P.,Fang P.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-03-01
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8IFG
Structure ID: 8IFG
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37459529
Primary Citation Authors: Wang X.,Wang Y.,Liu S.,Zhang Y.,Xu K.,Ji L.,Kornberg R.D.,Zhang H.
Deposition Date: 2023-02-17
Structure of 8I8F
Structure ID: 8I8F
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shi X.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-02-04
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8I7L
Structure ID: 8I7L
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Li K.,Liu W.,Dong X.
Deposition Date: 2023-02-01
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8C9J
Structure ID: 8C9J
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37294576
Primary Citation Authors: Doppler D.,Sonker M.,Egatz-Gomez A.,Grieco A.,Zaare S.,Jernigan R.,Meza-Aguilar J.D.,Rabbani M.T.,Manna A.,Alvarez R.C.,Karpos K.,Cruz Villarreal J.,Nelson G.,Yang J.H.,Carrion J.,Morin K.,Ketawala G.K.,Pey A.L.,Ruiz-Fresneda M.A.,Pacheco-Garcia J.L.,Hermoso J.A.,Nazari R.,Sierra R.,Hunter M.S.,Batyuk A.,Kupitz C.J.,Sublett R.E.,Lisova S.,Mariani V.,Boutet S.,Fromme R.,Grant T.D.,Botha S.,Fromme P.,Kirian R.A.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Ros A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-23
Structure of 8FWA
Structure ID: 8FWA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37294576
Primary Citation Authors: Doppler D.,Sonker M.,Egatz-Gomez A.,Grieco A.,Zaare S.,Jernigan R.,Meza-Aguilar J.D.,Rabbani M.T.,Manna A.,Alvarez R.C.,Karpos K.,Cruz Villarreal J.,Nelson G.,Yang J.H.,Carrion J.,Morin K.,Ketawala G.K.,Pey A.L.,Ruiz-Fresneda M.A.,Pacheco-Garcia J.L.,Hermoso J.A.,Nazari R.,Sierra R.,Hunter M.S.,Batyuk A.,Kupitz C.J.,Sublett R.E.,Lisova S.,Mariani V.,Boutet S.,Fromme R.,Grant T.D.,Botha S.,Fromme P.,Kirian R.A.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Ros A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-20
Structure of 8C77
Structure ID: 8C77
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-12
Structure of 8I0A
Structure ID: 8I0A
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37178306
Primary Citation Authors: Si Z.,Cai Y.,Zhao L.,Han L.,Wang F.,Yang X.,Gao X.,Lu M.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-10
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8HZQ
Structure ID: 8HZQ
Deposition Authors: ,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-09
Structure of 8HZT
Structure ID: 8HZT
Deposition Authors: ,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-09
Structure of 8HZ1
Structure ID: 8HZ1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shafiei A.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-07
Structure of 8HZ2
Structure ID: 8HZ2
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Ciftci H.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-07
Structure of 8FR9
Structure ID: 8FR9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FRA
Structure ID: 8FRA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FRB
Structure ID: 8FRB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FRC
Structure ID: 8FRC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FRD
Structure ID: 8FRD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FRG
Structure ID: 8FRG
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FOQ
Structure ID: 8FOQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-03
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FOR
Structure ID: 8FOR
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-03
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FOS
Structure ID: 8FOS
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2023-01-03
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FMC
Structure ID: 8FMC
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-23
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FMD
Structure ID: 8FMD
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-23
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FME
Structure ID: 8FME
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zarifi N.,Asthana P.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-23
Method: ALS
Structure of 8HTY
Structure ID: 8HTY
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Gul M.,Yuksel B.,Bulut H.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-22
Structure of 8FG5
Structure ID: 8FG5
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-12
Method: ALS
Structure of 8FG7
Structure ID: 8FG7
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37398339
Primary Citation Authors: Diaz R.E.,Ecker A.K.,Correy G.J.,Asthana P.,Young I.D.,Faust B.,Thompson M.C.,Seiple I.B.,Van Dyken S.J.,Locksley R.M.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-12-12
Method: ALS
Structure of 8HK0
Structure ID: 8HK0
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37043819
Primary Citation Authors: Cheng Y.,Yi X.,Zhang Y.,He Q.,Chen D.,Cao W.,Fang P.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-24
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8HK2
Structure ID: 8HK2
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37169960
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Liu W.,Xu Y.,He X.,Yuan Q.,Luo P.,Fan W.,Zhu J.,Zhang X.,Cheng X.,Jiang Y.,Xu H.E.,Zhuang Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-24
Structure of 8HK3
Structure ID: 8HK3
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37169960
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Liu W.,Xu Y.,He X.,Yuan Q.,Luo P.,Fan W.,Zhu J.,Zhang X.,Cheng X.,Jiang Y.,Xu H.E.,Zhuang Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-24
Structure of 8HK5
Structure ID: 8HK5
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37169960
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Liu W.,Xu Y.,He X.,Yuan Q.,Luo P.,Fan W.,Zhu J.,Zhang X.,Cheng X.,Jiang Y.,Xu H.E.,Zhuang Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-24
Structure of 8F7Q
Structure ID: 8F7Q
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36638794
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Zhuang Y.,DiBerto J.F.,Zhou X.E.,Schmitz G.P.,Yuan Q.,Jain M.K.,Liu W.,Melcher K.,Jiang Y.,Roth B.L.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-20
Structure of 8F7R
Structure ID: 8F7R
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36638794
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Zhuang Y.,DiBerto J.F.,Zhou X.E.,Schmitz G.P.,Yuan Q.,Jain M.K.,Liu W.,Melcher K.,Jiang Y.,Roth B.L.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-20
Structure of 8F7S
Structure ID: 8F7S
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36638794
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Zhuang Y.,DiBerto J.F.,Zhou X.E.,Schmitz G.P.,Yuan Q.,Jain M.K.,Liu W.,Melcher K.,Jiang Y.,Roth B.L.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-20
Structure of 8F7W
Structure ID: 8F7W
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36638794
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Zhuang Y.,DiBerto J.F.,Zhou X.E.,Schmitz G.P.,Yuan Q.,Jain M.K.,Liu W.,Melcher K.,Jiang Y.,Roth B.L.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-20
Structure of 8F7X
Structure ID: 8F7X
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36638794
Primary Citation Authors: Wang Y.,Zhuang Y.,DiBerto J.F.,Zhou X.E.,Schmitz G.P.,Yuan Q.,Jain M.K.,Liu W.,Melcher K.,Jiang Y.,Roth B.L.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-11-20
Structure of 7FR0
Structure ID: 7FR0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR1
Structure ID: 7FR1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR2
Structure ID: 7FR2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR3
Structure ID: 7FR3
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR4
Structure ID: 7FR4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR5
Structure ID: 7FR5
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR6
Structure ID: 7FR6
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR7
Structure ID: 7FR7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR8
Structure ID: 7FR8
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FR9
Structure ID: 7FR9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FRA
Structure ID: 7FRA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FRB
Structure ID: 7FRB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FRC
Structure ID: 7FRC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7FRD
Structure ID: 7FRD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-20
Method: SSRL
Structure of 8ERS
Structure ID: 8ERS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-12
Method: ALS
Structure of 8H3W
Structure ID: 8H3W
Deposition Authors: ,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2022-10-09
Structure of 8GZD
Structure ID: 8GZD
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Gao J.,Bornscheuer U.T.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-26
Method: BESSY
Structure of 8GXQ
Structure ID: 8GXQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36201575
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Wang X.,Liu W.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li J.,Yin X.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-21
Structure of 8GXS
Structure ID: 8GXS
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36201575
Primary Citation Authors: Chen X.,Wang X.,Liu W.,Ren Y.,Qu X.,Li J.,Yin X.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-21
Structure of 8B4F
Structure ID: 8B4F
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-20
Structure of 8B3L
Structure ID: 8B3L
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36892542
Primary Citation Authors: Henkel A.,Galchenkova M.,Maracke J.,Yefanov O.,Klopprogge B.,Hakanpaa J.,Mesters J.R.,Chapman H.N.,Oberthuer D.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-16
Structure of 8B3A
Structure ID: 8B3A
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36906667
Primary Citation Authors: Heerde T.,Bansal A.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-16
Structure of 8B3T
Structure ID: 8B3T
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Henkel A.,Galchenkova M.,Maracke J.,Yefanov O.,Hakanpaa J.,Mesters J.R.,Chapman H.N.,Oberthur D.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-16
Structure of 8B3U
Structure ID: 8B3U
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Henkel A.,Galchenkova M.,Maracke J.,Yefanov O.,Hakanpaa J.,Mesters J.R.,Chapman H.N.,Oberthur D.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-16
Structure of 8B3V
Structure ID: 8B3V
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Henkel A.,Galchenkova M.,Maracke J.,Yefanov O.,Hakanpaa J.,Mesters J.R.,Chapman H.N.,Oberthur D.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-16
Structure of 8GTX
Structure ID: 8GTX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Li H.T.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-09
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8EF5
Structure ID: 8EF5
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8EF6
Structure ID: 8EF6
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8EFB
Structure ID: 8EFB
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8EFL
Structure ID: 8EFL
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8EFO
Structure ID: 8EFO
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8EFQ
Structure ID: 8EFQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36368306
Primary Citation Authors: Zhuang Y.,Wang Y.,He B.,He X.,Zhou X.E.,Guo S.,Rao Q.,Yang J.,Liu J.,Zhou Q.,Wang X.,Liu M.,Liu W.,Jiang X.,Yang D.,Jiang H.,Shen J.,Melcher K.,Chen H.,Jiang Y.,Cheng X.,Wang M.W.,Xie X.,Xu H.E.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-08
Structure of 8AZS
Structure ID: 8AZS
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yang Y.,Goedert M.,Scheres H.W.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-06
Structure of 8AZT
Structure ID: 8AZT
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Stern A.M.,Yang Y.,Meunier A.L.,Liu W.,Cai Y.,Ericsson M.,Liu L.,Goedert M.,Scheres S.H.W.,Selkoe D.J.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-06
Structure of 8AZU
Structure ID: 8AZU
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37167969
Primary Citation Authors: Stern A.M.,Yang Y.,Jin S.,Yamashita K.,Meunier A.L.,Liu W.,Cai Y.,Ericsson M.,Liu L.,Goedert M.,Scheres S.H.W.,Selkoe D.J.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-06
Structure of 8GS1
Structure ID: 8GS1
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37043819
Primary Citation Authors: Cheng Y.,Yi X.,Zhang Y.,He Q.,Chen D.,Cao W.,Fang P.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-04
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8EC4
Structure ID: 8EC4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-01
Structure of 8ECF
Structure ID: 8ECF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2022-09-01
Method: APS
Structure of 8EBI
Structure ID: 8EBI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-31
Structure of 8EBR
Structure ID: 8EBR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37679343
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Zielinski K.,Aldama L.,Bajt S.,Feliz D.,Hayes B.,Hunter M.,Kupitz C.,Lisova S.,Knoska J.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Mariani V.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Sierra R.G.,Tolstikova A.,Yefanov O.,Yoon C.H.,Ourmazd A.,Fromme P.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Batyuk A.,Boutet S.,Phillips Jr. G.N.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-31
Structure of 8GPC
Structure ID: 8GPC
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shi X.,Dai Y.,Zhang Q.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-26
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8GPD
Structure ID: 8GPD
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shi X.,Dai Y.,Zhang Q.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-26
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8GPE
Structure ID: 8GPE
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Shi X.,Dai Y.,Zhang Q.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-26
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8E3L
Structure ID: 8E3L
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Boyce J.H.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Ecker A.K.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E3M
Structure ID: 8E3M
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Boyce J.H.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Ecker A.K.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E3O
Structure ID: 8E3O
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Boyce J.H.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Ecker A.K.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E41
Structure ID: 8E41
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Edmonson Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E42
Structure ID: 8E42
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Edmonson Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E43
Structure ID: 8E43
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E44
Structure ID: 8E44
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E45
Structure ID: 8E45
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E46
Structure ID: 8E46
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E47
Structure ID: 8E47
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E48
Structure ID: 8E48
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E49
Structure ID: 8E49
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Yeon S.K.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-17
Structure of 8E30
Structure ID: 8E30
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-16
Structure of 8E32
Structure ID: 8E32
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Takahashi Y.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-16
Structure of 8E33
Structure ID: 8E33
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Takahashi Y.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-16
Structure of 8E35
Structure ID: 8E35
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Takahashi Y.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-16
Structure of 8E36
Structure ID: 8E36
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Seiple I.B.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-08-16
Structure of 8DU3
Structure ID: 8DU3
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35933788
Primary Citation Authors: Bolteau R.,Duroux R.,Laversin A.,Vreulz B.,Shiriaeva A.,Stauch B.,Han G.W.,Cherezov V.,Renault N.,Barczyk A.,Ravez S.,Coevoet M.,Melnyk P.,Liberelle M.,Yous S.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-26
Method: APS
Structure of 7YKN
Structure ID: 7YKN
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36528063
Primary Citation Authors: Cakilkaya B.,Kavakli I.H.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-23
Structure of 7YKO
Structure ID: 7YKO
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Jian G.,Bornscheuer U.T.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-23
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7YKP
Structure ID: 7YKP
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Jian G.,Bornscheuer U.T.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-23
Method: BESSY
Structure of 7YKQ
Structure ID: 7YKQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Jian G.,Bornscheuer U.T.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-23
Method: SSRF
Structure of 8AHV
Structure ID: 8AHV
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-22
Structure of 8ADE
Structure ID: 8ADE
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36302762
Primary Citation Authors: Steinebrei M.,Gottwald J.,Baur J.,Rocken C.,Hegenbart U.,Schonland S.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-08
Structure of 7YFN
Structure ID: 7YFN
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36417436
Primary Citation Authors: Ji L.,Zhao L.,Xu K.,Gao H.,Zhou Y.,Kornberg R.D.,Zhang H.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-08
Structure of 7YFP
Structure ID: 7YFP
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36417436
Primary Citation Authors: Ji L.,Zhao L.,Xu K.,Gao H.,Zhou Y.,Kornberg R.D.,Zhang H.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-08
Structure of 7YCX
Structure ID: 7YCX
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36869814
Primary Citation Authors: Zheng H.,Jin Q.,Wang X.,Qi Y.,Liu W.,Ren Y.,Zhao D.,Xavier Chen F.,Cheng J.,Chen X.,Xu Y.
Deposition Date: 2022-07-02
Structure of 7Y6A
Structure ID: 7Y6A
Deposition Authors: ,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37529114
Primary Citation Authors: Atalay N.,Akcan E.K.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Destan E.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Cakilkaya B.,Nergiz Z.,Karakadioglu G.,Kepceoglu A.,Yapici I.,Tosun B.,Baldir N.,Yildirim G.,Johnson J.A.,Guven O.,Shafiei A.,Arslan N.E.,Yilmaz M.,Kulakman C.,Paydos S.S.,Cinal Z.S.,Sabanoglu K.,Pazarceviren A.,Yilmaz A.,Canbay B.,Asci B.,Kartal E.,Tavli S.,Caliseki M.,Goc G.,Mermer A.,Yesilay G.,Altuntas S.,Tateishi H.,Otsuka M.,Fujita M.,Tekin S.,Ciftci H.,Durdagi S.,Dinler Doganay G.,Karaca E.,Kaplan Turkoz B.,Kabasakal B.V.,Kati A.,Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-18
Structure of 8A5B
Structure ID: 8A5B
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-14
Structure of 8A4U
Structure ID: 8A4U
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-13
Structure of 8A4V
Structure ID: 8A4V
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-13
Structure of 8A4W
Structure ID: 8A4W
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-13
Structure of 8A4X
Structure ID: 8A4X
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-13
Structure of 5SQ9
Structure ID: 5SQ9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQA
Structure ID: 5SQA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQB
Structure ID: 5SQB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQC
Structure ID: 5SQC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQD
Structure ID: 5SQD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQE
Structure ID: 5SQE
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQF
Structure ID: 5SQF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQG
Structure ID: 5SQG
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQH
Structure ID: 5SQH
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQI
Structure ID: 5SQI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQJ
Structure ID: 5SQJ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQK
Structure ID: 5SQK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQL
Structure ID: 5SQL
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQM
Structure ID: 5SQM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQN
Structure ID: 5SQN
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQO
Structure ID: 5SQO
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQP
Structure ID: 5SQP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQQ
Structure ID: 5SQQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQR
Structure ID: 5SQR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQS
Structure ID: 5SQS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQT
Structure ID: 5SQT
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQU
Structure ID: 5SQU
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQV
Structure ID: 5SQV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQW
Structure ID: 5SQW
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQX
Structure ID: 5SQX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQY
Structure ID: 5SQY
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQZ
Structure ID: 5SQZ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR0
Structure ID: 5SR0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR1
Structure ID: 5SR1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR2
Structure ID: 5SR2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR3
Structure ID: 5SR3
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR4
Structure ID: 5SR4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR5
Structure ID: 5SR5
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR6
Structure ID: 5SR6
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR7
Structure ID: 5SR7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR8
Structure ID: 5SR8
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SR9
Structure ID: 5SR9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRA
Structure ID: 5SRA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRB
Structure ID: 5SRB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRC
Structure ID: 5SRC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRD
Structure ID: 5SRD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRE
Structure ID: 5SRE
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRF
Structure ID: 5SRF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRG
Structure ID: 5SRG
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRH
Structure ID: 5SRH
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRI
Structure ID: 5SRI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRJ
Structure ID: 5SRJ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRK
Structure ID: 5SRK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRL
Structure ID: 5SRL
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRM
Structure ID: 5SRM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRN
Structure ID: 5SRN
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRO
Structure ID: 5SRO
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRP
Structure ID: 5SRP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRQ
Structure ID: 5SRQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRR
Structure ID: 5SRR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRS
Structure ID: 5SRS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRT
Structure ID: 5SRT
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRU
Structure ID: 5SRU
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRV
Structure ID: 5SRV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRW
Structure ID: 5SRW
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRX
Structure ID: 5SRX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRY
Structure ID: 5SRY
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SRZ
Structure ID: 5SRZ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SS0
Structure ID: 5SS0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS1
Structure ID: 5SS1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS2
Structure ID: 5SS2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS3
Structure ID: 5SS3
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS4
Structure ID: 5SS4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS5
Structure ID: 5SS5
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS6
Structure ID: 5SS6
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS7
Structure ID: 5SS7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS8
Structure ID: 5SS8
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SS9
Structure ID: 5SS9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSA
Structure ID: 5SSA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSB
Structure ID: 5SSB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSC
Structure ID: 5SSC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSD
Structure ID: 5SSD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSE
Structure ID: 5SSE
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSF
Structure ID: 5SSF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSG
Structure ID: 5SSG
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSH
Structure ID: 5SSH
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSI
Structure ID: 5SSI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSJ
Structure ID: 5SSJ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSK
Structure ID: 5SSK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSL
Structure ID: 5SSL
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSM
Structure ID: 5SSM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSN
Structure ID: 5SSN
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSO
Structure ID: 5SSO
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSP
Structure ID: 5SSP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSQ
Structure ID: 5SSQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SSR
Structure ID: 5SSR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SOI
Structure ID: 5SOI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOJ
Structure ID: 5SOJ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOK
Structure ID: 5SOK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOL
Structure ID: 5SOL
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOM
Structure ID: 5SOM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SON
Structure ID: 5SON
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOO
Structure ID: 5SOO
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOP
Structure ID: 5SOP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOQ
Structure ID: 5SOQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOR
Structure ID: 5SOR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOS
Structure ID: 5SOS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOT
Structure ID: 5SOT
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOU
Structure ID: 5SOU
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOV
Structure ID: 5SOV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOW
Structure ID: 5SOW
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOX
Structure ID: 5SOX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOY
Structure ID: 5SOY
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SOZ
Structure ID: 5SOZ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SP0
Structure ID: 5SP0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SP1
Structure ID: 5SP1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 5SP2
Structure ID: 5SP2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 5SP3
Structure ID: 5SP3
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 5SP4
Structure ID: 5SP4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SP6
Structure ID: 5SP6
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5SP7
Structure ID: 5SP7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SP8
Structure ID: 5SP8
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SP9
Structure ID: 5SP9
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPA
Structure ID: 5SPA
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPB
Structure ID: 5SPB
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPC
Structure ID: 5SPC
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPD
Structure ID: 5SPD
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPE
Structure ID: 5SPE
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPF
Structure ID: 5SPF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPG
Structure ID: 5SPG
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPH
Structure ID: 5SPH
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPI
Structure ID: 5SPI
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPJ
Structure ID: 5SPJ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPK
Structure ID: 5SPK
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPL
Structure ID: 5SPL
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPM
Structure ID: 5SPM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPN
Structure ID: 5SPN
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPO
Structure ID: 5SPO
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPP
Structure ID: 5SPP
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPQ
Structure ID: 5SPQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPR
Structure ID: 5SPR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPS
Structure ID: 5SPS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPT
Structure ID: 5SPT
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPU
Structure ID: 5SPU
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPV
Structure ID: 5SPV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPW
Structure ID: 5SPW
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPX
Structure ID: 5SPX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPY
Structure ID: 5SPY
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SPZ
Structure ID: 5SPZ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ0
Structure ID: 5SQ0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ1
Structure ID: 5SQ1
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ2
Structure ID: 5SQ2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ3
Structure ID: 5SQ3
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ4
Structure ID: 5SQ4
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ5
Structure ID: 5SQ5
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ6
Structure ID: 5SQ6
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ7
Structure ID: 5SQ7
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 5SQ8
Structure ID: 5SQ8
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35794891
Primary Citation Authors: Gahbauer S.,Correy G.J.,Schuller M.,Ferla M.P.,Doruk Y.U.,Rachman M.,Wu T.,Diolaiti M.,Wang S.,Neitz R.J.,Fearon D.,Radchenko D.,Moroz Y.,Irwin J.J.,Renslo A.R.,Taylor J.C.,Gestwicki J.E.,von Delft F.,Ashworth A.,Ahel I.,Shoichet B.K.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-06-09
Method: ALS
Structure of 8CXG
Structure ID: 8CXG
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Zhang X.K.,Gong D.Y.,Dai X.H.,Sharma A.,Zhang T.H.,Rey F.,Zhou Z.H.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-21
Structure of 8CXH
Structure ID: 8CXH
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Zhang X.K.,Gong D.Y.,Dai X.H.,Sharma A.,Zhang T.H.,Rey F.,Zhou Z.H.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-21
Structure of 8CXI
Structure ID: 8CXI
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Zhang X.K.,Gong D.Y.,Dai X.H.,Sharma A.,Zhang T.H.,Rey F.,Zhou Z.H.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-21
Structure of 7ZXA
Structure ID: 7ZXA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-20
Structure of 8CWB
Structure ID: 8CWB
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWC
Structure ID: 8CWC
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWD
Structure ID: 8CWD
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWE
Structure ID: 8CWE
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWF
Structure ID: 8CWF
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWG
Structure ID: 8CWG
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CWH
Structure ID: 8CWH
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-19
Structure of 8CVU
Structure ID: 8CVU
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CVV
Structure ID: 8CVV
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CVW
Structure ID: 8CVW
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW0
Structure ID: 8CW0
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW1
Structure ID: 8CW1
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW3
Structure ID: 8CW3
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW5
Structure ID: 8CW5
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW6
Structure ID: 8CW6
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW7
Structure ID: 8CW7
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CW8
Structure ID: 8CW8
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff A.M.,Nango E.,Young I.D.,Brewster A.S.,Kubo M.,Nomura T.,Sugahara M.,Owada S.,Barad B.A.,Ito K.,Bhowmick A.,Carbajo S.,Hino T.,Holton J.M.,Im D.,O'Riordan L.J.,Tanaka T.,Tanaka R.,Sierra R.G.,Yumoto F.,Tono K.,Iwata S.,Sauter N.K.,Fraser J.S.,Thompson M.C.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-18
Structure of 8CU6
Structure ID: 8CU6
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35977382
Primary Citation Authors: Shiriaeva A.,Park D.,Kim G.,Lee Y.,Hou X.,Jarhad D.B.,Kim G.,Yu J.,Hyun Y.E.,Kim W.,Gao Z.G.,Jacobson K.A.,Han G.W.,Stevens R.C.,Jeong L.S.,Choi S.,Cherezov V.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-16
Method: APS
Structure of 8CU7
Structure ID: 8CU7
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35977382
Primary Citation Authors: Shiriaeva A.,Park D.,Kim G.,Lee Y.,Hou X.,Jarhad D.B.,Kim G.,Yu J.,Hyun Y.E.,Kim W.,Gao Z.G.,Jacobson K.A.,Han G.W.,Stevens R.C.,Jeong L.S.,Choi S.,Cherezov V.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-16
Method: APS
Structure of 7ZVF
Structure ID: 7ZVF
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Tsuge H.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-15
Structure of 7XS0
Structure ID: 7XS0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Cui L.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-12
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7XS2
Structure ID: 7XS2
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citation Authors: Cui L.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-12
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7ZS7
Structure ID: 7ZS7
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Falke S.,Lieske J.,Herrmann A.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Sekirnik A.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Ebert G.,Turk D.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-06
Structure of 7XP7
Structure ID: 7XP7
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36603145
Primary Citation Authors: Ma X.,Tang Z.,Ding W.,Liu T.,Yang D.,Liu W.,Ma M.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-03
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7UW3
Structure ID: 7UW3
Deposition Authors: ,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35638584
Primary Citation Authors: Sarkar S.,Runge B.,Russell R.W.,Movellan K.T.,Calero D.,Zeinalilathori S.,Quinn C.M.,Lu M.,Calero G.,Gronenborn A.M.,Polenova T.
Deposition Date: 2022-05-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7ZKY
Structure ID: 7ZKY
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36433936
Primary Citation Authors: Banerjee S.,Baur J.,Daniel C.,Pfeiffer P.B.,Hitzenberger M.,Kuhn L.,Wiese S.,Bijzet J.,Haupt C.,Amann K.U.,Zacharias M.,Hazenberg B.P.C.,Westermark G.T.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2022-04-13
Structure of 7ZJ2
Structure ID: 7ZJ2
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37481159
Primary Citation Authors: Sharma K.,Banerjee S.,Savran D.,Rajes C.,Wiese S.,Girdhar A.,Schwierz N.,Lee C.,Shorter J.,Schmidt M.,Guo L.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2022-04-08
Structure of 7Z58
Structure ID: 7Z58
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-08
Structure of 7Z3T
Structure ID: 7Z3T
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-02
Structure of 7Z3U
Structure ID: 7Z3U
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-02
Structure of 7X3L
Structure ID: 7X3L
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37409679
Primary Citation Authors: He S.,Chu X.,Wu Y.,Jiang J.,Fang P.,Chen Y.,Liu Y.,Qiu Z.,Xiao Y.,Li Z.,Pan D.,Zhang Q.,Xie H.,Xing S.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Yang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-01
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7X3M
Structure ID: 7X3M
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 37409679
Primary Citation Authors: He S.,Chu X.,Wu Y.,Jiang J.,Fang P.,Chen Y.,Liu Y.,Qiu Z.,Xiao Y.,Li Z.,Pan D.,Zhang Q.,Xie H.,Xing S.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Yang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-01
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7X3O
Structure ID: 7X3O
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Jiang J.,Liu Y.,He S.,Chen Y.,Chu X.,Liu Y.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Zhang X.,Fang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-03-01
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7X3A
Structure ID: 7X3A
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu L.-Y.,Mao Z.-W.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-28
Structure of 7Z2K
Structure ID: 7Z2K
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-28
Structure of 7X2Z
Structure ID: 7X2Z
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu L.-Y.,Mao Z.-W.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-26
Structure of 7YXA
Structure ID: 7YXA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Lyapina E.,Marin E.,Gusach A.,Orekhov P.,Gerasimov A.,Luginina A.,Vakhrameev D.,Ergasheva M.,Kovaleva M.,Khusainov G.,Khorn P.,Shevtsov M.,Kovalev K.,Okhrimenko I.,Popov P.,Hu H.,Weierstall U.,Liu W.,Cho Y.,Gushchin I.,Rogachev A.,Bourenkov G.,Park S.,Park G.,Hyun H.J.,Park J.,Gordeliy V.,Borshchevskiy V.,Mishin A.,Cherezov V.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-15
Structure of 7TWF
Structure ID: 7TWF
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7TWG
Structure ID: 7TWG
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7TWH
Structure ID: 7TWH
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7TWI
Structure ID: 7TWI
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7TWJ
Structure ID: 7TWJ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWN
Structure ID: 7TWN
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWO
Structure ID: 7TWO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWP
Structure ID: 7TWP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWQ
Structure ID: 7TWQ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWR
Structure ID: 7TWR
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWS
Structure ID: 7TWS
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWT
Structure ID: 7TWT
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWV
Structure ID: 7TWV
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWW
Structure ID: 7TWW
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWX
Structure ID: 7TWX
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TWY
Structure ID: 7TWY
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TX0
Structure ID: 7TX0
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TX1
Structure ID: 7TX1
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Method: ALS
Structure of 7TX3
Structure ID: 7TX3
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,Meilleur F.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Structure of 7TX4
Structure ID: 7TX4
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,Kovalevsky A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Structure of 7TX5
Structure ID: 7TX5
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.,Kovalevsky A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2022-02-07
Structure of 7WQS
Structure ID: 7WQS
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36566714
Primary Citation Authors: Liu Y.,Chen Y.,Jiang J.,Chu X.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Zhang X.,He S.,Yang P.,Fang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-01-26
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7WQM
Structure ID: 7WQM
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36566714
Primary Citation Authors: Liu Y.,Chen Y.,Jiang J.,Chu X.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Zhang X.,He S.,Yang P.,Fang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-01-25
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7WQR
Structure ID: 7WQR
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 36566714
Primary Citation Authors: Liu Y.,Chen Y.,Jiang J.,Chu X.,Guo Q.,Zhao L.,Feng F.,Liu W.,Zhang X.,He S.,Yang P.,Fang P.,Sun H.
Deposition Date: 2022-01-25
Method: NFPSS
Structure of 7QKA
Structure ID: 7QKA
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2021-12-17
Structure of 7QKB
Structure ID: 7QKB
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2021-12-17
Structure of 7QKC
Structure ID: 7QKC
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2021-12-17
Structure of 7QKD
Structure ID: 7QKD
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Reinke P.Y.A.,Falke S.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Loboda J.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,Hauser M.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Lindic N.,Lach M.,Boehler H.,Beck T.,Cox R.,Chapman H.N.,Hinrichs W.,Turk D.,Guenther S.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2021-12-17
Structure of 7QGF
Structure ID: 7QGF
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35254323
Primary Citation Authors: Nanao M.,Basu S.,Zander U.,Giraud T.,Surr J.,Guijarro M.,Lentini M.,Felisaz F.,Sinoir J.,Morawe C.,Vivo A.,Beteva A.,Oscarsson M.,Caserotto H.,Dobias F.,Flot D.,Nurizzo D.,Gigmes J.,Foos N.,Siebrecht R.,Roth T.,Theveneau P.,Svensson O.,Papp G.,Lavault B.,Cipriani F.,Barrett R.,Clavel C.,Leonard G.
Deposition Date: 2021-12-08
Structure of 7W1I
Structure ID: 7W1I
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Gerlis H.,Li Z.,Gao J.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2021-11-19
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7W1J
Structure ID: 7W1J
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Gerlis H.,Li Z.,Gao J.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2021-11-19
Method: BESSY
Structure of 7W1K
Structure ID: 7W1K
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Gerlis H.,Li Z.,Gao J.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2021-11-19
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7W1L
Structure ID: 7W1L
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Han X.,Gerlis H.,Li Z.,Gao J.,Wei R.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2021-11-19
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7SK2
Structure ID: 7SK2
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35676483
Primary Citation Authors: Motiwala Z.,Aduri N.G.,Shaye H.,Han G.W.,Lam J.H.,Katritch V.,Cherezov V.,Gati C.
Deposition Date: 2021-10-19
Structure of 7PZQ
Structure ID: 7PZQ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Schubert R.,Reinke P.,Galchenkova M.,Oberthuer D.,Murillo G.E.P.,Kim C.,Bean R.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Middendorf P.,Round A.,Schmidt C.,Mills G.,Kirkwood H.,Han H.,Koliyadu J.,Bielecki J.,Gelisio L.,Sikorski M.,Kloos M.,Vakilii M.,Yefanov O.N.,Vagovic P.,de-Wijn R.,Letrun R.,Guenther S.,White T.A.,Sato T.,Srinivasan V.,Kim Y.,Chretien A.,Han S.,Brognaro H.,Maracke J.,Knoska J.,Seychell B.C.,Brings L.,Norton-Baker B.,Geng T.,Dore A.S.,Uetrecht C.,Redecke L.,Beck T.,Lorenzen K.,Betzel C.,Mancuso A.P.,Bajt S.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Lane T.J.
Deposition Date: 2021-10-13
Structure of 7PXZ
Structure ID: 7PXZ
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Schubert R.,Reinke P.,Galchenkova M.,Oberthuer D.,Murillo G.,Kim C.,Bean R.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Middendorf P.,Round A.,Schmidt C.,Mills G.,Kirkwood H.,Han H.,Koliyadu J.,Bielecki J.,Gelisio L.,Sikorski M.,Kloos M.,Vakilii M.,Yefanov O.,Vagovic P.,de-Wijn R.,Letrun R.,Guenther S.,White T.,Sato T.,Srinivasan V.,Kim Y.,Chretien A.,Han S.,Brognaro H.,Maracke J.,Knoska J.,Seychell B.,Brings L.,Norton-Baker B.,Geng T.,Dore A.,Uetrecht C.,Redecke L.,Beck T.,Lorenzen K.,Betzel C.,Mancuso A.,Bajt S.,Chapman H.,Meents A.,Lane T.
Deposition Date: 2021-10-08
Structure of 7SD4
Structure ID: 7SD4
Deposition Authors: ,,,,,,,,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35638584
Primary Citation Authors: Sarkar S.,Runge B.,Russell R.W.,Movellan K.T.,Calero D.,Zeinalilathori S.,Quinn C.M.,Lu M.,Calero G.,Gronenborn A.M.,Polenova T.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VJW
Structure ID: 7VJW
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Ayan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VJX
Structure ID: 7VJX
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Usta G.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VJY
Structure ID: 7VJY
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Johnson A.J.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VJZ
Structure ID: 7VJZ
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Tokay N.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK0
Structure ID: 7VK0
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Cakilkaya B.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK1
Structure ID: 7VK1
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Ertem B.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK2
Structure ID: 7VK2
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Gul M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK3
Structure ID: 7VK3
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Guven O.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK4
Structure ID: 7VK4
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Buyukdag C.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK5
Structure ID: 7VK5
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Gocenler O.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK6
Structure ID: 7VK6
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Yuksel B.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK7
Structure ID: 7VK7
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Dag C.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7VK8
Structure ID: 7VK8
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Usta G.,
Primary Citation Authors: Guven O.,Gul M.,Ayan E.,Johnson J.A.,Cakilkaya B.,Usta G.,Ertem F.B.,Tokay N.,Yuksel B.,Gocenler O.,Buyukdag C.,Botha S.,Ketawala G.,Su Z.,Hayes B.,Poitevin F.,Batyuk A.,Yoon C.H.,Kupitz C.,Durdagi S.,Sierra R.G.,DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-29
Structure of 7S4R
Structure ID: 7S4R
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-09
Method: ALBA
Structure of 7S4W
Structure ID: 7S4W
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-09
Method: ALBA
Structure of 7S4Y
Structure ID: 7S4Y
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-09
Method: ALBA
Structure of 7S4Z
Structure ID: 7S4Z
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-09
Method: ALBA
Structure of 7S50
Structure ID: 7S50
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Hu H.,Jernigan R.,Castellvi A.,Lisova S.,Gil F.,Calisto B.,Crespo I.,Roy-Chowdbury S.,Grieco A.,Ketawala G.,Weierstall U.,Spence J.,Fromme P.,Zatsepin N.,Boer R.,Carpena X.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-09
Method: ALBA
Structure of 7S1G
Structure ID: 7S1G
Deposition Authors: Young I.D.,Stojkovic V.,Tsai K.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.,
Primary Citation Authors: Tsai K.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Young I.D.,Szal T.,Vazquez-Laslop N.,Mankin A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-02
Structure of 7S1H
Structure ID: 7S1H
Deposition Authors: Young I.D.,Stojkovic V.,Tsai K.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.,
Primary Citation Authors: Tsai K.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Young I.D.,Szal T.,Vazquez-Laslop N.,Mankin A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-02
Structure of 7S1K
Structure ID: 7S1K
Deposition Authors: Tsai K.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Young I.D.,Szal T.,Vazquez-Laslop N.,Mankin A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.,
Primary Citation Authors: Young I.D.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Tsai K.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-02
Structure of 7S1I
Structure ID: 7S1I
Deposition Authors: Young I.D.,Stojkovic V.,Tsai K.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35165456
Primary Citation Authors: Tsai K.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Young I.D.,Szal T.,Klepacki D.,Vazquez-Laslop N.,Mankin A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Fujimori D.G.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-02
Structure of 7S1J
Structure ID: 7S1J
Deposition Authors: Young I.D.,Stojkovic V.,Tsai K.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Galonic Fujimori D.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35165456
Primary Citation Authors: Tsai K.,Stojkovic V.,Lee D.J.,Young I.D.,Szal T.,Klepacki D.,Vazquez-Laslop N.,Mankin A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Fujimori D.G.
Deposition Date: 2021-09-02
Structure of 7RVM
Structure ID: 7RVM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVN
Structure ID: 7RVN
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVO
Structure ID: 7RVO
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RVP
Structure ID: 7RVP
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RVQ
Structure ID: 7RVQ
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVR
Structure ID: 7RVR
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVS
Structure ID: 7RVS
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVT
Structure ID: 7RVT
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RVU
Structure ID: 7RVU
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RVV
Structure ID: 7RVV
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVW
Structure ID: 7RVW
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVX
Structure ID: 7RVX
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVY
Structure ID: 7RVY
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RVZ
Structure ID: 7RVZ
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RW0
Structure ID: 7RW0
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Structure of 7RW1
Structure ID: 7RW1
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35779291
Primary Citation Authors: Ma Y.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Alugubelli Y.R.,Shaabani N.,Vatansever E.C.,Ma X.R.,Cho C.C.,Khatua K.,Xiao J.,Blankenship L.R.,Yu G.,Sankaran B.,Li P.,Allen R.,Ji H.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 7RSM
Structure ID: 7RSM
Deposition Authors: ,,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35278475
Primary Citation Authors: Vatansever E.C.,Yang K.S.,Geng Z.Z.,Qiao Y.,Li P.,Xu S.,Liu W.R.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-11
Structure of 7V3T
Structure ID: 7V3T
Deposition Authors: ,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Zhu B.C.,Liu W.,Mao Z.W.
Deposition Date: 2021-08-11
Structure of 7RM5
Structure ID: 7RM5
Deposition Authors: Martynowycz M.W.,Shiriaeva A.,Ge X.,Hattne J.,Nannenga B.L.,Cherezov V.,Gonen T.,
Primary Citation Authors: Martynowycz M.W.,Shiriaeva A.,Ge X.,Hattne J.,Nannenga B.L.,Cherezov V.,Gonen T.
Deposition Date: 2021-07-26
Structure of 7RGR
Structure ID: 7RGR
Deposition Authors: Fraser J.S.,Holton J.M.,Olmos Jr. J.L.,Greene E.R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Madani A.,Krause B.,Greene E.R.,Subramanian S.,Mohr B.P.,Olmos Jr. J.L.,Holton J.M.,Xiong C.,Sun Z.Z.,Socher R.,Fraser J.S.,Naik N.D.
Deposition Date: 2021-07-15
Method: ALS
Structure of 7OVT
Structure ID: 7OVT
Deposition Authors: Heerde T.,Schmidt M.,Faendrich M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 35013242
Primary Citation Authors: Heerde T.,Rennegarbe M.,Biedermann A.,Savran D.,Pfeiffer P.B.,Hitzenberger M.,Baur J.,Puscalau-Girtu I.,Zacharias M.,Schwierz N.,Haupt C.,Schmidt M.,Fandrich M.
Deposition Date: 2021-06-15
Structure of 7EUM
Structure ID: 7EUM
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,Yuksel B.,Ayan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,Yuksel B.,Ayan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-05-18
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7OFT
Structure ID: 7OFT
Deposition Authors: Srinivasan V.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Ewert W.,Sprenger J.,Lieske J.,Koua F.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Wolf M.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Choudary I.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.,
Primary Citation Authors: Srinivasan V.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Ewert W.,Sprenger J.,Koua F.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Lieske J.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Hakanpaeae J.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Wolf M.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Choudary I.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.
Deposition Date: 2021-05-05
Structure of 7OFU
Structure ID: 7OFU
Deposition Authors: Srinivasan V.,Ewert W.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Sprenger J.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Wolf M.,Lieske J.,Koua F.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Hakanpaeae J.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Choudary I.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.,
Primary Citation Authors: Srinivasan V.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Ewert W.,Sprenger J.,Koua F.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Lieske J.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Hakanpaeae J.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Wolf M.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Choudary I.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.
Deposition Date: 2021-05-05
Structure of 7OFS
Structure ID: 7OFS
Deposition Authors: Srinivasan V.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Ewert W.,Sprenger J.,Koua F.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Lieske J.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Hakanpaeae J.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Wolf M.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.,
Primary Citation Authors: Srinivasan V.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Ewert W.,Sprenger J.,Koua F.,Brognaro H.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Perbandt M.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Wang M.,Lieske J.,Ginn H.,Lane T.J.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Hakanpaeae J.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Wolf M.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Schmidt C.,Brings L.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Perk A.,Awel S.,Wahab A.,Choudary I.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Meents A.,Betzel C.
Deposition Date: 2021-05-05
Structure of 7MPB
Structure ID: 7MPB
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Malla T.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Malla T.N.,Pandey S.,Poudyal I.,Aldama L.,Feliz D.,Noda M.,Phillips G.N.,Stojkovic E.A.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2021-05-04
Method: APS
Structure of 7MFT
Structure ID: 7MFT
Deposition Authors: Jayaraman V.,Lee D.J.,Elad N.,Fraser J.S.,Tawfik D.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34931064
Primary Citation Authors: Jayaraman V.,Lee D.J.,Elad N.,Vimer S.,Sharon M.,Fraser J.S.,Tawfik D.S.
Deposition Date: 2021-04-11
Structure of 7MFM
Structure ID: 7MFM
Deposition Authors: Jayaraman V.,Lee D.J.,Elad N.,Fraser J.S.,Tawfik D.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34931064
Primary Citation Authors: Jayaraman V.,Lee D.J.,Elad N.,Vimer S.,Sharon M.,Fraser J.S.,Tawfik D.S.
Deposition Date: 2021-04-10
Structure of 7EKJ
Structure ID: 7EKJ
Deposition Authors: Liu W.,Gong P.,
Primary Citation Authors: Zhang B.Y.,Liu W.,Jia H.,Lu G.,Gong P.
Deposition Date: 2021-04-05
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7EK8
Structure ID: 7EK8
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Ertem F.B.,Destan E.,Ayan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Ertem F.B.,Destan E.,Ayan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-04-04
Structure of 7EK9
Structure ID: 7EK9
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Ayan E.,Destan E.,Ertem F.B.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-04-04
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7M8W
Structure ID: 7M8W
Deposition Authors: Shiriaeva A.,Han G.W.,Cherezov V.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34341104
Primary Citation Authors: Liu H.,Deepak R.N.V.K.,Shiriaeva A.,Gati C.,Batyuk A.,Hu H.,Weierstall U.,Liu W.,Wang L.,Cherezov V.,Fan H.,Zhang C.
Deposition Date: 2021-03-30
Structure of 7LW2
Structure ID: 7LW2
Deposition Authors: ,,,,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu C.,Lee M.-Y.,Ma C.,Liu W.,Wang J.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-27
Method: ALS
Structure of 7NEV
Structure ID: 7NEV
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.M.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashhour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Xavier P.L.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Zaitsev-Doyle J.J.,Rogers C.,Gieseler H.,Melo D.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schluenzen F.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Sun X.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-05
Structure of 7LJY
Structure ID: 7LJY
Deposition Authors: Torabi S.,Chen Y.,Zhang K.,Wang J.,DeGregorio S.,Vaidya A.,Su Z.,Pabit S.,Chiu W.,Pollack L.,Steitz J.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33785601
Primary Citation Authors: Torabi S.F.,Chen Y.L.,Zhang K.,Wang J.,DeGregorio S.J.,Vaidya A.T.,Su Z.,Pabit S.A.,Chiu W.,Pollack L.,Steitz J.A.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-01
Structure of 7E1K
Structure ID: 7E1K
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Senda T.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Senda T.,Destan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-01
Structure of 7E1I
Structure ID: 7E1I
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-01
Structure of 7E1J
Structure ID: 7E1J
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Senda T.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Senda T.,Destan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-02-01
Structure of 7LIV
Structure ID: 7LIV
Deposition Authors: Liu Y.T.,Strugatsky D.,Liu W.,Zhou Z.H.,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu Y.T.,Strugatsky D.,Liu W.,Zhou Z.H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-28
Structure of 7DUG
Structure ID: 7DUG
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DUI
Structure ID: 7DUI
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DUJ
Structure ID: 7DUJ
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DUK
Structure ID: 7DUK
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DUH
Structure ID: 7DUH
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DUL
Structure ID: 7DUL
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.,Destan E.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 7DTL
Structure ID: 7DTL
Deposition Authors: Xiao C.,Xiao Z.,Wang S.,Liu W.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34196616
Primary Citation Authors: Xiao C.,Xiao Z.,Hu C.,Lu J.,Cui L.,Zhang Y.,Dai Y.,Zhang Q.,Wang S.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2021-01-05
Method: SSRF
Structure of 7B83
Structure ID: 7B83
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-12-12
Structure of 7KX0
Structure ID: 7KX0
Deposition Authors: Maben Z.,Liu W.,Mosyak L.,Chaparro-Riggers J.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34419446
Primary Citation Authors: Liu W.,Maben Z.,Wang C.,Lindquist K.C.,Li M.,Rayannavar V.,Lopez Armenta I.,Nager A.,Pascua E.,Dominik P.K.,Oyen D.,Wang H.,Roach R.C.,Allan C.M.,Mosyak L.,Chaparro-Riggers J.
Deposition Date: 2020-12-02
Method: CLSI
Structure of 7KR0
Structure ID: 7KR0
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-18
Method: ALS
Structure of 7KR1
Structure ID: 7KR1
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-18
Method: ALS
Structure of 7KQW
Structure ID: 7KQW
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,James F.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-17
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 7KQO
Structure ID: 7KQO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,James F.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-17
Method: ALS
Structure of 7KQP
Structure ID: 7KQP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,James F.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-17
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 7AY7
Structure ID: 7AY7
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-11
Structure of 7AXO
Structure ID: 7AXO
Deposition Authors: Ewert W.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-10
Structure of 7AXM
Structure ID: 7AXM
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AWU
Structure ID: 7AWU
Deposition Authors: Ewert W.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AX6
Structure ID: 7AX6
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AWW
Structure ID: 7AWW
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AWR
Structure ID: 7AWR
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AWS
Structure ID: 7AWS
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-09
Structure of 7AVD
Structure ID: 7AVD
Deposition Authors: Koua F.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-11-05
Structure of 7ARF
Structure ID: 7ARF
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-24
Structure of 7AR5
Structure ID: 7AR5
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Hinrichs W.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Boger J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-23
Structure of 7AR6
Structure ID: 7AR6
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Hinrichs W.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Boger J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-23
Structure of 7AQJ
Structure ID: 7AQJ
Deposition Authors: Ewert W.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-22
Structure of 7AQI
Structure ID: 7AQI
Deposition Authors: Koua F.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Ewert W.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-21
Structure of 7AP6
Structure ID: 7AP6
Deposition Authors: Ewert W.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-16
Structure of 7APH
Structure ID: 7APH
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-16
Structure of 7AOL
Structure ID: 7AOL
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-14
Structure of 7ANS
Structure ID: 7ANS
Deposition Authors: Ewert W.,Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-12
Structure of 7AMJ
Structure ID: 7AMJ
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Hinrichs W.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Boger J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-09
Structure of 7KC5
Structure ID: 7KC5
Deposition Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-05
Method: ALS
Structure of 7KC6
Structure ID: 7KC6
Deposition Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-05
Method: ALS
Structure of 7KC3
Structure ID: 7KC3
Deposition Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Woldeyes R.A.,Hallenbeck K.K.,Pfaff S.J.,Lee G.,Cortez S.V.,Kelly M.J.,Akassoglou K.,Arkin M.R.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-05
Method: ALS
Structure of 7AKU
Structure ID: 7AKU
Deposition Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Doyle, J.J., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Seychell, B., Meier, S., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Structure of 5RVR
Structure ID: 5RVR
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVQ
Structure ID: 5RVQ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVT
Structure ID: 5RVT
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVS
Structure ID: 5RVS
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVV
Structure ID: 5RVV
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVU
Structure ID: 5RVU
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVJ
Structure ID: 5RVJ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVL
Structure ID: 5RVL
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVK
Structure ID: 5RVK
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVN
Structure ID: 5RVN
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVM
Structure ID: 5RVM
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVP
Structure ID: 5RVP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RVO
Structure ID: 5RVO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.C.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.C.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-10-02
Method: ALS
Structure of 7AK4
Structure ID: 7AK4
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-29
Structure of 7K9P
Structure ID: 7K9P
Deposition Authors: Botha S.,Jernigan R.,Chen J.,Coleman M.A.,Frank M.,Grant T.D.,Hansen D.T.,Ketawala G.,Logeswaran D.,Martin-Garcia J.,Nagaratnam N.,Raj A.L.L.X.,Shelby M.,Yang J.-H.,Yung M.C.,Fromme P.,
Primary Citation Authors: Botha S.,Jernigan R.,Chen J.,Coleman M.A.,Frank M.,Hansen D.T.,Ketawala G.,Logeswaran D.,Martin-Garcia J.,Nagaratnam N.,Raj A.L.L.X.,Shelby M.,Yang J.-H.,Yung M.C.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-29
Structure of 5RSO
Structure ID: 5RSO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT0
Structure ID: 5RT0
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSN
Structure ID: 5RSN
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSQ
Structure ID: 5RSQ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT2
Structure ID: 5RT2
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSP
Structure ID: 5RSP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT1
Structure ID: 5RT1
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSS
Structure ID: 5RSS
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT4
Structure ID: 5RT4
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSR
Structure ID: 5RSR
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT3
Structure ID: 5RT3
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSU
Structure ID: 5RSU
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT6
Structure ID: 5RT6
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RST
Structure ID: 5RST
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT5
Structure ID: 5RT5
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSG
Structure ID: 5RSG
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSF
Structure ID: 5RSF
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSI
Structure ID: 5RSI
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSH
Structure ID: 5RSH
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSK
Structure ID: 5RSK
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSJ
Structure ID: 5RSJ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSM
Structure ID: 5RSM
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSL
Structure ID: 5RSL
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSC
Structure ID: 5RSC
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSB
Structure ID: 5RSB
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSE
Structure ID: 5RSE
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSD
Structure ID: 5RSD
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RS7
Structure ID: 5RS7
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RS9
Structure ID: 5RS9
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RS8
Structure ID: 5RS8
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTP
Structure ID: 5RTP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU1
Structure ID: 5RU1
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTO
Structure ID: 5RTO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU0
Structure ID: 5RU0
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTR
Structure ID: 5RTR
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU3
Structure ID: 5RU3
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTQ
Structure ID: 5RTQ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU2
Structure ID: 5RU2
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTT
Structure ID: 5RTT
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU5
Structure ID: 5RU5
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTS
Structure ID: 5RTS
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU4
Structure ID: 5RU4
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTV
Structure ID: 5RTV
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU7
Structure ID: 5RU7
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTU
Structure ID: 5RTU
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU6
Structure ID: 5RU6
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTH
Structure ID: 5RTH
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTG
Structure ID: 5RTG
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTJ
Structure ID: 5RTJ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTI
Structure ID: 5RTI
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTL
Structure ID: 5RTL
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTK
Structure ID: 5RTK
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTN
Structure ID: 5RTN
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTM
Structure ID: 5RTM
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTB
Structure ID: 5RTB
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RTA
Structure ID: 5RTA
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RTD
Structure ID: 5RTD
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RTC
Structure ID: 5RTC
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RTF
Structure ID: 5RTF
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTE
Structure ID: 5RTE
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RSW
Structure ID: 5RSW
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT8
Structure ID: 5RT8
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSV
Structure ID: 5RSV
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT7
Structure ID: 5RT7
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSY
Structure ID: 5RSY
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSX
Structure ID: 5RSX
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RT9
Structure ID: 5RT9
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RSZ
Structure ID: 5RSZ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy C.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5RUQ
Structure ID: 5RUQ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV2
Structure ID: 5RV2
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUP
Structure ID: 5RUP
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV1
Structure ID: 5RV1
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUS
Structure ID: 5RUS
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV4
Structure ID: 5RV4
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUR
Structure ID: 5RUR
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV3
Structure ID: 5RV3
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUU
Structure ID: 5RUU
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV6
Structure ID: 5RV6
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUT
Structure ID: 5RUT
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV5
Structure ID: 5RV5
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUW
Structure ID: 5RUW
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV8
Structure ID: 5RV8
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUV
Structure ID: 5RUV
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV7
Structure ID: 5RV7
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUI
Structure ID: 5RUI
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUH
Structure ID: 5RUH
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUK
Structure ID: 5RUK
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUJ
Structure ID: 5RUJ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUM
Structure ID: 5RUM
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUL
Structure ID: 5RUL
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUO
Structure ID: 5RUO
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV0
Structure ID: 5RV0
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUN
Structure ID: 5RUN
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUA
Structure ID: 5RUA
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUC
Structure ID: 5RUC
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUE
Structure ID: 5RUE
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUD
Structure ID: 5RUD
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUG
Structure ID: 5RUG
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUF
Structure ID: 5RUF
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTX
Structure ID: 5RTX
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU9
Structure ID: 5RU9
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTW
Structure ID: 5RTW
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RU8
Structure ID: 5RU8
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTZ
Structure ID: 5RTZ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RTY
Structure ID: 5RTY
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVI
Structure ID: 5RVI
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 5RVB
Structure ID: 5RVB
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVA
Structure ID: 5RVA
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVD
Structure ID: 5RVD
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVC
Structure ID: 5RVC
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVF
Structure ID: 5RVF
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVE
Structure ID: 5RVE
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RVH
Structure ID: 5RVH
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 5RVG
Structure ID: 5RVG
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUY
Structure ID: 5RUY
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUX
Structure ID: 5RUX
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RV9
Structure ID: 5RV9
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RUZ
Structure ID: 5RUZ
Deposition Authors: Correy G.J.,Young I.D.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citation Authors: Correy G.J.,Fraser J.S.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-28
Method: ALS
Structure of 7K8L
Structure ID: 7K8L
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey S.,Calvey G.,Katz A.M.,Malla T.N.,Koua F.H.M.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Poudyal I.,Yang J.H.,Vakili M.,Yefanov O.,Zielinski K.A.,Bajt S.,Awel S.,Doerner K.,Frank M.,Gelisio L.,Jernigan R.,Kirkwood H.,Kloos M.,Koliyadu J.,Mariani V.,Miller M.D.,Mills G.,Nelson G.,Olmos J.L.J.,Sadri A.,Sato T.,Tolstikova A.,Xu W.,Ourmazd A.,Spence J.C.H.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Fromme P.,Mancuso A.P.,Phillips G.N.J.,Bean R.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-27
Structure of 7K8K
Structure ID: 7K8K
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey S.,Calvey G.,Katz A.M.,Malla T.N.,Koua F.H.M.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Poudyal I.,Yang J.H.,Vakili M.,Yefanov O.,Zielinski K.A.,Bajt S.,Awel S.,Doerner K.,Frank M.,Gelisio L.,Jernigan R.,Kirkwood H.,Kloos M.,Koliyadu J.,Mariani V.,Miller M.D.,Mills G.,Nelson G.,Olmos J.L.J.,Sadri A.,Sato T.,Tolstikova A.,Xu W.,Ourmazd A.,Spence J.C.H.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Fromme P.,Mancuso A.P.,Phillips G.N.J.,Bean R.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-27
Structure of 7K8H
Structure ID: 7K8H
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey S.,Calvey G.,Katz A.M.,Malla T.N.,Koua F.H.M.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Poudyal I.,Yang J.H.,Vakili M.,Yefanov O.,Zielinski K.A.,Bajt S.,Awel S.,Doerner K.,Frank M.,Gelisio L.,Jernigan R.,Kirkwood H.,Kloos M.,Koliyadu J.,Mariani V.,Miller M.D.,Mills G.,Nelson G.,Olmos J.L.J.,Sadri A.,Sato T.,Tolstikova A.,Xu W.,Ourmazd A.,Spence J.C.H.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Fromme P.,Mancuso A.P.,Phillips G.N.J.,Bean R.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-27
Structure of 7K8F
Structure ID: 7K8F
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey S.,Calvey G.,Katz A.M.,Malla T.N.,Koua F.H.M.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Poudyal I.,Yang J.H.,Vakili M.,Yefanov O.,Zielinski K.A.,Bajt S.,Awel S.,Doerner K.,Frank M.,Gelisio L.,Jernigan R.,Kirkwood H.,Kloos M.,Koliyadu J.,Mariani V.,Miller M.D.,Mills G.,Nelson G.,Olmos J.L.J.,Sadri A.,Sato T.,Tolstikova A.,Xu W.,Ourmazd A.,Spence J.C.H.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Fromme P.,Mancuso A.P.,Phillips G.N.J.,Bean R.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-26
Structure of 7K8E
Structure ID: 7K8E
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey S.,Calvey G.,Katz A.M.,Malla T.N.,Koua F.H.M.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,Poudyal I.,Yang J.H.,Vakili M.,Yefanov O.,Zielinski K.A.,Bajt S.,Awel S.,Doerner K.,Frank M.,Gelisio L.,Jernigan R.,Kirkwood H.,Kloos M.,Koliyadu J.,Mariani V.,Miller M.D.,Mills G.,Nelson G.,Olmos J.L.J.,Sadri A.,Sato T.,Tolstikova A.,Xu W.,Ourmazd A.,Spence J.C.H.,Schwander P.,Barty A.,Chapman H.N.,Fromme P.,Mancuso A.P.,Phillips G.N.J.,Bean R.,Pollack L.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-26
Structure of 7AHA
Structure ID: 7AHA
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Hinrichs W.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Boger J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-24
Structure of 7AGA
Structure ID: 7AGA
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Hinrichs W.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Boger J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-22
Structure of 7AF0
Structure ID: 7AF0
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-18
Structure of 7ADW
Structure ID: 7ADW
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-16
Structure of 7ABU
Structure ID: 7ABU
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Werner N.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Lane T.J.,Dunkel I.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-08
Structure of 7K15
Structure ID: 7K15
Deposition Authors: Michaelian N.,Han G.W.,Cherezov V.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 34016973
Primary Citation Authors: Michaelian N.,Sadybekov A.,Besserer-Offroy E.,Han G.W.,Krishnamurthy H.,Zamlynny B.A.,Fradera X.,Siliphaivanh P.,Presland J.,Spencer K.B.,Soisson S.M.,Popov P.,Sarret P.,Katritch V.,Cherezov V.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-07
Method: APS
Structure of 7CWY
Structure ID: 7CWY
Deposition Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-01
Method: NSRRC
Structure of 7CWZ
Structure ID: 7CWZ
Deposition Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-01
Method: NSRRC
Structure of 7CWX
Structure ID: 7CWX
Deposition Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-01
Method: NSRRC
Structure of 7CX0
Structure ID: 7CX0
Deposition Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-01
Method: NSRRC
Structure of 7CX1
Structure ID: 7CX1
Deposition Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.,
Primary Citation Authors: Yu X.,Gong M.,Huang J.,Liu W.,Chen C.,Guo R.
Deposition Date: 2020-09-01
Method: NSRRC
Structure of 7CWC
Structure ID: 7CWC
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-27
Structure of 7CWB
Structure ID: 7CWB
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-27
Structure of 7JVZ
Structure ID: 7JVZ
Deposition Authors: Schmidt M.,Malla T.,
Primary Citation Authors: Schmidt M.,Malla T.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-24
Structure of 7A1U
Structure ID: 7A1U
Deposition Authors: Guenther S.,Reinke P.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Gelisio L.,Ginn H.,Lieske J.,Domaracky M.,Brehm W.,Rahmani Mashour A.,White T.A.,Knoska J.,Pena Esperanza G.,Koua F.,Tolstikova A.,Groessler M.,Fischer P.,Hennicke V.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Paulraj L.X.,Ullah N.,Andaleeb H.,Werner N.,Falke S.,Alves Franca B.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Perbandt M.,Tidow H.,Seychell B.,Beck T.,Meier S.,Doyle J.J.,Giseler H.,Melo D.,Dunkel I.,Lane T.J.,Peck A.,Saouane S.,Hakanpaeae J.,Meyer J.,Noei H.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Zhang L.,Ehrt C.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.,Weiss M.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Norton-Baker B.,Schmidt C.,Lorenzen K.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Chari A.,Fernandez Garcia Y.,Turk D.,Hilgenfeld R.,Rarey M.,Zaliani A.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.,Betzel C.,Meents A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33811162
Primary Citation Authors: Gunther S.,Reinke P.Y.A.,Fernandez-Garcia Y.,Lieske J.,Lane T.J.,Ginn H.M.,Koua F.H.M.,Ehrt C.,Ewert W.,Oberthuer D.,Yefanov O.,Meier S.,Lorenzen K.,Krichel B.,Kopicki J.D.,Gelisio L.,Brehm W.,Dunkel I.,Seychell B.,Gieseler H.,Norton-Baker B.,Escudero-Perez B.,Domaracky M.,Saouane S.,Tolstikova A.,White T.A.,Hanle A.,Groessler M.,Fleckenstein H.,Trost F.,Galchenkova M.,Gevorkov Y.,Li C.,Awel S.,Peck A.,Barthelmess M.,Schlunzen F.,Lourdu Xavier P.,Werner N.,Andaleeb H.,Ullah N.,Falke S.,Srinivasan V.,Franca B.A.,Schwinzer M.,Brognaro H.,Rogers C.,Melo D.,Zaitseva-Doyle J.J.,Knoska J.,Pena-Murillo G.E.,Mashhour A.R.,Hennicke V.,Fischer P.,Hakanpaa J.,Meyer J.,Gribbon P.,Ellinger B.,Kuzikov M.,Wolf M.,Beccari A.R.,Bourenkov G.,von Stetten D.,Pompidor G.,Bento I.,Panneerselvam S.,Karpics I.,Schneider T.R.,Garcia-Alai M.M.,Niebling S.,Gunther C.,Schmidt C.,Schubert R.,Han H.,Boger J.,Monteiro D.C.F.,Zhang L.,Sun X.,Pletzer-Zelgert J.,Wollenhaupt J.,Feiler C.G.,Weiss M.S.,Schulz E.C.,Mehrabi P.,Karnicar K.,Usenik A.,Loboda J.,Tidow H.,Chari A.,Hilgenfeld R.,Uetrecht C.,Cox R.,Zaliani A.,Beck T.,Rarey M.,Gunther S.,Turk D.,Hinrichs W.,Chapman H.N.,Pearson A.R.,Betzel C.,Meents A.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-14
Structure of 7CRX
Structure ID: 7CRX
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-14
Structure of 7CRY
Structure ID: 7CRY
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-14
Structure of 7CRT
Structure ID: 7CRT
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-14
Structure of 7CRS
Structure ID: 7CRS
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-14
Structure of 7CRI
Structure ID: 7CRI
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-13
Structure of 7CRL
Structure ID: 7CRL
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-13
Structure of 7CRJ
Structure ID: 7CRJ
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-13
Structure of 7CRK
Structure ID: 7CRK
Deposition Authors: Yun J.H.,Liu H.,Lee W.T.,Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33753488
Primary Citation Authors: Yun J.H.,Li X.,Yue J.,Park J.H.,Jin Z.,Li C.,Hu H.,Shi Y.,Pandey S.,Carbajo S.,Boutet S.,Hunter M.S.,Liang M.,Sierra R.G.,Lane T.J.,Zhou L.,Weierstall U.,Zatsepin N.A.,Ohki M.,Tame J.R.H.,Park S.Y.,Spence J.C.H.,Zhang W.,Schmidt M.,Lee W.,Liu H.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-13
Structure of 7JRI
Structure ID: 7JRI
Deposition Authors: Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33756101
Primary Citation Authors: Carrillo M.,Pandey S.,Sanchez J.,Noda M.,Poudyal I.,Aldama L.,Malla T.N.,Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Feliz D.,Srajer V.,Maj M.,Castillon L.,Iwata S.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Tono K.,Owada S.,Westenhoff S.,Stojkovic E.A.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-12
Structure of 7JRE
Structure ID: 7JRE
Deposition Authors: Liu C.,Lee M.-Y.,Liu W.,Wang J.,
Primary Citation Authors: Liu C.,Lee M.-Y.,Ma C.,Liu W.,Wang J.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-12
Method: NSLS-II
Structure of 7JR5
Structure ID: 7JR5
Deposition Authors: Schmidt M.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33756101
Primary Citation Authors: Carrillo M.,Pandey S.,Sanchez J.,Noda M.,Poudyal I.,Aldama L.,Malla T.N.,Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Feliz D.,Srajer V.,Maj M.,Castillon L.,Iwata S.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Tono K.,Owada S.,Westenhoff S.,Stojkovic E.A.,Schmidt M.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-11
Structure of 7JNI
Structure ID: 7JNI
Deposition Authors: Cherezov V.,Shaye H.,Han G.W.,
Primary Citation Authors: Perryman R.,Renziehausen A.,Shaye H.,Kostagianni A.D.,Tsiailanis A.D.,Thorne T.,Chatziathanasiadou M.V.,Sivolapenko G.B.,Mubarak M.A.E.,Han G.W.,Zarzycka B.,Katritch V.,Lebon G.,Nigro C.L.,Lattanzio L.,Morse S.,Choi J.,ONeill K.,Crook T.,Cherezov V.,Tzakos A.G.,Syed N.
Deposition Date: 2020-08-04
Method: APS
Structure of 6XP5
Structure ID: 6XP5
Deposition Authors: Zhang H.Q.,Chen D.C.,Kornberg R.D.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33571424
Primary Citation Authors: Zhang H.,Chen D.H.,Mattoo R.U.H.,Bushnell D.A.,Wang Y.,Yuan C.,Wang L.,Wang C.,Davis R.E.,Nie Y.,Kornberg R.D.
Deposition Date: 2020-07-08
Structure of 6XLQ
Structure ID: 6XLQ
Deposition Authors: Payne K.K.,Mine J.A.,Biswas S.,Chaurio R.A.,Perales-Puchalt A.,Anadon C.M.,Costich T.L.,Harro C.M.,Walrath J.,Ming Q.,Tcyganov E.,Buras A.L.,Rigolizzo K.E.,Mandal G.,Lajoie J.,Ophir M.,Tchou J.,Marchion D.,Luca V.C.,Bobrowicz P.,McLaughlin B.,Eskiocak U.,Schmidt M.,Cubillos-Ruiz J.R.,Rodriguez P.C.,Gabrilovich D.I.,Conejo-Garcia J.R.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32820120
Primary Citation Authors: Payne K.K.,Mine J.A.,Biswas S.,Chaurio R.A.,Perales-Puchalt A.,Anadon C.M.,Costich T.L.,Harro C.M.,Walrath J.,Ming Q.,Tcyganov E.,Buras A.L.,Rigolizzo K.E.,Mandal G.,Lajoie J.,Ophir M.,Tchou J.,Marchion D.,Luca V.C.,Bobrowicz P.,McLaughlin B.,Eskiocak U.,Schmidt M.,Cubillos-Ruiz J.R.,Rodriguez P.C.,Gabrilovich D.I.,Conejo-Garcia J.R.
Deposition Date: 2020-06-29
Method: APS
Structure of 6X3J
Structure ID: 6X3J
Deposition Authors: Chaires H.A.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-21
Method: ALS
Structure of 6X3C
Structure ID: 6X3C
Deposition Authors: Chaires H.A.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-21
Method: ALS
Structure of 7C3M
Structure ID: 7C3M
Deposition Authors: Bu, W., Loh, Z.Y., Jin, S., Basu, S., Ero, R., Park, J.E., Yan, X., Wang, M., Sze, S.K., Tan, S.M., Gao, Y.G.
Primary Citation Authors: Bu, W., Loh, Z.Y., Jin, S., Basu, S., Ero, R., Park, J.E., Yan, X., Wang, M., Sze, S.K., Tan, S.M., Gao, Y.G.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-13
Method: SLS
Structure of 6WYV
Structure ID: 6WYV
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-13
Structure of 6YZ6
Structure ID: 6YZ6
Deposition Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P.Y.A., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H.M., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashhour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Xavier, P.L., Ullah, N., Andaleeb, H., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Zaitsev-Doyle, J.J., Rogers, C., Gieseler, H., Melo, D., Monteiro, D.C.F., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schluenzen, F., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Sun, X., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P.Y.A., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H.M., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashhour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Xavier, P.L., Ullah, N., Andaleeb, H., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Zaitsev-Doyle, J.J., Rogers, C., Gieseler, H., Melo, D., Monteiro, D.C.F., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schluenzen, F., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Sun, X., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-06
Structure of 6YXF
Structure ID: 6YXF
Deposition Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-01
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YXH
Structure ID: 6YXH
Deposition Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-01
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YXG
Structure ID: 6YXG
Deposition Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-01
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YXD
Structure ID: 6YXD
Deposition Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-05-01
Structure of 6YX9
Structure ID: 6YX9
Deposition Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.,
Primary Citation Authors: Healey R.D.,Basu S.,Humm A.S.,Leyrat C.,Dupeux F.,Pica A.,Granier S.,Marquez J.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-30
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YVF
Structure ID: 6YVF
Deposition Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Doyle, J.J., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Seychell, B., Meier, S., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-28
Structure of 6WQA
Structure ID: 6WQA
Deposition Authors: Lee M.-Y.,Geiger J.,Ishchenko A.,Han G.W.,Barty A.,White T.A.,Gati C.,Batyuk A.,Hunter M.S.,Aquila A.,Boutet S.,Weierstall U.,Cherezov V.,Liu W.,
Primary Citation Authors: Lee M.-Y.,Geiger J.,Ishchenko A.,Han G.W.,Barty A.,White T.A.,Gati C.,Batyuk A.,Hunter M.S.,Aquila A.,Boutet S.,Weierstall U.,Cherezov V.,Liu W.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-28
Structure of 6YT8
Structure ID: 6YT8
Deposition Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Doyle, J.J., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Seychell, B., Meier, S., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-24
Structure of 6YNQ
Structure ID: 6YNQ
Deposition Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Domaracky, M., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., White, T.A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fischer, P., Hennicke, V., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Tidow, H., Seychell, B., Beck, T., Meier, S., Doyle, J.J., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Turk, D., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Guenther, S., Reinke, P., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Gelisio, L., Ginn, H., Lieske, J., Brehm, W., Rahmani Mashour, A., Knoska, J., Pena Esperanza, G., Koua, F., Tolstikova, A., Groessler, M., Fleckenstein, H., Trost, F., Galchenkova, M., Gevorkov, Y., Li, C., Awel, S., Paulraj, L.X., Ullah, N., Falke, S., Alves Franca, B., Schwinzer, M., Brognaro, H., Werner, N., Perbandt, M., Seychell, B., Meier, S., Giseler, H., Melo, D., Dunkel, I., Lane, T.J., Peck, A., Saouane, S., Hakanpaeae, J., Meyer, J., Noei, H., Gribbon, P., Ellinger, B., Kuzikov, M., Wolf, M., Zhang, L., Ehrt, C., Pletzer-Zelgert, J., Wollenhaupt, J., Feiler, C., Weiss, M., Schulz, E.C., Mehrabi, P., Norton-Baker, B., Schmidt, C., Lorenzen, K., Schubert, R., Han, H., Chari, A., Fernandez Garcia, Y., Hilgenfeld, R., Rarey, M., Zaliani, A., Chapman, H.N., Pearson, A., Betzel, C., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-14
Structure of 6YOB
Structure ID: 6YOB
Deposition Authors: Huang, C.-Y., Martiel, I., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Caffrey, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citation Authors: Martiel, I., Huang, C.-Y., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Caffrey, M., Pedrini, B., Bunk, O., Stampanoni, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-14
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YOC
Structure ID: 6YOC
Deposition Authors: Huang, C.-Y., Martiel, I., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Caffrey, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citation Authors: Martiel, I., Huang, C.-Y., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Caffrey, M., Pedrini, B., Bunk, O., Stampanoni, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-14
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YOD
Structure ID: 6YOD
Deposition Authors: Huang, C.-Y., Martiel, I., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Caffrey, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citation Authors: Martiel, I., Huang, C.-Y., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Caffrey, M., Pedrini, B., Bunk, O., Stampanoni, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-14
Method: SLS
Structure of 6YOE
Structure ID: 6YOE
Deposition Authors: Huang, C.-Y., Martiel, I., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Caffrey, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33209324
Primary Citation Authors: Martiel, I., Huang, C.Y., Villanueva-Perez, P., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Caffrey, M., Pedrini, B., Bunk, O., Stampanoni, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2020-04-14
Method: SLS
Structure of 6W90
Structure ID: 6W90
Deposition Authors: Thompson M.C.,Pan X.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Kortemme T.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32855341
Primary Citation Authors: Pan X.,Thompson M.C.,Zhang Y.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Kelly M.J.S.,Kortemme T.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-21
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGC
Structure ID: 5RGC
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGB
Structure ID: 5RGB
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGE
Structure ID: 5RGE
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGD
Structure ID: 5RGD
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGF
Structure ID: 5RGF
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RGA
Structure ID: 5RGA
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG5
Structure ID: 5RG5
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG4
Structure ID: 5RG4
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG7
Structure ID: 5RG7
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG6
Structure ID: 5RG6
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG9
Structure ID: 5RG9
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 5RG8
Structure ID: 5RG8
Deposition Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968058
Primary Citation Authors: Broom A.,Rakotoharisoa R.V.,Thompson M.C.,Zarifi N.,Nguyen E.,Mukhametzhanov N.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Chica R.A.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 6YBX
Structure ID: 6YBX
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J.A., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-18
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6YC5
Structure ID: 6YC5
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J.A., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-18
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6YBF
Structure ID: 6YBF
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-17
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6YBI
Structure ID: 6YBI
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J.A., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-17
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6YBO
Structure ID: 6YBO
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J.A., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-17
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6YBR
Structure ID: 6YBR
Deposition Authors: Gavira, J.A., Martinez-Rodriguez, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32744257
Primary Citation Authors: Gavira, J.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, I., Martinez-Rodriguez, S., Basu, S., Teychene, S., McCarthy, A.A., Mueller-Dieckman, C.
Deposition Date: 2020-03-17
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6VPV
Structure ID: 6VPV
Deposition Authors: Dobson Z.,Toporik H.,Vaughn N.,Lin S.,Williams D.,Fromme P.,Mazor Y.,
Primary Citation Authors: Dobson Z.,Toporik H.,Vaughn N.,Lin S.,Williams D.,Fromme P.,Mazor Y.
Deposition Date: 2020-02-04
Structure of 6VOH
Structure ID: 6VOH
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOG
Structure ID: 6VOG
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOJ
Structure ID: 6VOJ
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOI
Structure ID: 6VOI
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOL
Structure ID: 6VOL
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOK
Structure ID: 6VOK
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VON
Structure ID: 6VON
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOM
Structure ID: 6VOM
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOF
Structure ID: 6VOF
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VOO
Structure ID: 6VOO
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-30
Structure of 6VMG
Structure ID: 6VMG
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-27
Structure of 6VMB
Structure ID: 6VMB
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-27
Structure of 6VMD
Structure ID: 6VMD
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-27
Structure of 6VM1
Structure ID: 6VM1
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-27
Structure of 6VM4
Structure ID: 6VM4
Deposition Authors: Yang J.-H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.-L.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32879423
Primary Citation Authors: Yang J.H.,Williams D.,Kandiah E.,Fromme P.,Chiu P.L.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-27
Structure of 6VJR
Structure ID: 6VJR
Deposition Authors: DeMirci H.,
Primary Citation Authors: Demirci H.,Wakatsuki S.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-17
Method: ALS
Structure of 6VJM
Structure ID: 6VJM
Deposition Authors: Shaye, H., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32555460
Primary Citation Authors: Shaye, H., Ishchenko, A., Lam, J.H., Han, G.W., Xue, L., Rondard, P., Pin, J.P., Katritch, V., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-16
Structure of 6VIN
Structure ID: 6VIN
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia J.M.,Fromme P.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33784495
Primary Citation Authors: Nagaratnam N.,Delker S.L.,Jernigan R.,Edwards T.E.,Snider J.,Thifault D.,Williams D.,Nannenga B.L.,Stofega M.,Sambucetti L.,Hsieh J.J.,Flint A.J.,Fromme P.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2020-01-13
Method: APS
Structure of 6UO8
Structure ID: 6UO8
Deposition Authors: Shaye, H., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Shaye, H., Ishchenko, A., Lam, J.H., Han, G.W., Xue, L., Rondard, P., Pin, J.P., Katritch, V., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-14
Structure of 6UO9
Structure ID: 6UO9
Deposition Authors: Shaye, H., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Shaye, H., Ishchenko, A., Lam, J.H., Han, G.W., Xue, L., Rondard, P., Pin, J.P., Katritch, V., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-14
Structure of 6UOA
Structure ID: 6UOA
Deposition Authors: Shaye, H., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Shaye, H., Ishchenko, A., Lam, J.H., Han, G.W., Xue, L., Rondard, P., Pin, J.P., Katritch, V., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-14
Structure of 6UND
Structure ID: 6UND
Deposition Authors: Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-11
Structure of 6UNF
Structure ID: 6UNF
Deposition Authors: Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-11
Structure of 6T3L
Structure ID: 6T3L
Deposition Authors: Claesson E.,Takala H.,Yuan Wahlgren W.,Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,Westenhoff S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32228856
Primary Citation Authors: Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Takala H.,Pandey S.,Castillon L.,Kuznetsova V.,Henry L.,Panman M.,Carrillo M.,Kubel J.,Nanekar R.,Isaksson L.,Nimmrich A.,Cellini A.,Morozov D.,Maj M.,Kurttila M.,Bosman R.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Iwata S.,Owada S.,Moffat K.,Groenhof G.,A Stojkovic E.,A Ihalainen J.,Schmidt M.,Westenhoff S.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-11
Structure of 6T3U
Structure ID: 6T3U
Deposition Authors: Claesson E.,Takala H.,Yuan Wahlgren W.,Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,Westenhoff S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32228856
Primary Citation Authors: Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Takala H.,Pandey S.,Castillon L.,Kuznetsova V.,Henry L.,Panman M.,Carrillo M.,Kubel J.,Nanekar R.,Isaksson L.,Nimmrich A.,Cellini A.,Morozov D.,Maj M.,Kurttila M.,Bosman R.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Iwata S.,Owada S.,Moffat K.,Groenhof G.,A Stojkovic E.,A Ihalainen J.,Schmidt M.,Westenhoff S.
Deposition Date: 2019-10-11
Structure of 6UCY
Structure ID: 6UCY
Deposition Authors: Yabukarski F.,Herschlag D.,Biel J.T.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33376217
Primary Citation Authors: Yabukarski F.,Biel J.T.,Pinney M.M.,Doukov T.,Powers A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Herschlag D.
Deposition Date: 2019-09-18
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6UCW
Structure ID: 6UCW
Deposition Authors: Yabukarski F.,Herschlag D.,Biel J.T.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33376217
Primary Citation Authors: Yabukarski F.,Biel J.T.,Pinney M.M.,Doukov T.,Powers A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Herschlag D.
Deposition Date: 2019-09-17
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6UCN
Structure ID: 6UCN
Deposition Authors: Yabukarski F.,Herschlag D.,Biel J.T.,Fraser J.S.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 33376217
Primary Citation Authors: Yabukarski F.,Biel J.T.,Pinney M.M.,Doukov T.,Powers A.S.,Fraser J.S.,Herschlag D.
Deposition Date: 2019-09-16
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6UAE
Structure ID: 6UAE
Deposition Authors: Krivacic C.,Kundert K.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Kortemme T.,
Primary Citation Authors: Krivacic C.,Kundert K.,Thompson M.C.,Fraser J.S.,Kortemme T.
Deposition Date: 2019-09-10
Method: ALS
Structure of 6UAD
Structure ID: 6UAD
Deposition Authors: Kundert K.,Thompson M.C.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Kortemme T.,
Primary Citation Authors: Kundert K.,Thompson M.C.,Liu L.,Fraser J.S.,Kortemme T.
Deposition Date: 2019-09-10
Method: ALS
Structure of 6U5C
Structure ID: 6U5C
Deposition Authors: Wolff, A.M., Thompson, M.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff, A.M., Young, I.D., Sierra, R.G., Brewster, A.S., Martynowycz, M.W., Nango, E., Sugahara, M., Nakane, T., Ito, K., Aquila, A., Bhowmick, A., Biel, J.T., Carbajo, S., Cohen, A.E., Cortez, S., Gonzalez, A., Hino, T., Im, D., Koralek, J.D., Kubo, M., Lazarou, T.S., Nomura, T., Owada, S., Samelson, A., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, R., Thompson, E.M., van den Bedem, H., Woldeyes, R.A., Yumoto, F., Zhao, W., Tono, K., Boutet, S., Iwata, S., Gonen, T., Sauter, N.K., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-08-27
Structure of 6U5D
Structure ID: 6U5D
Deposition Authors: Wolff, A.M., Young, I.D., Sierra, R.G., Brewster, A.S., Koralek, J.D., Boutet, S., Sauter, N.K., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff, A.M., Young, I.D., Sierra, R.G., Brewster, A.S., Martynowycz, M.W., Nango, E., Sugahara, M., Nakane, T., Ito, K., Aquila, A., Bhowmick, A., Biel, J.T., Carbajo, S., Cohen, A.E., Cortez, S., Gonzalez, A., Hino, T., Im, D., Koralek, J.D., Kubo, M., Lazarou, T.S., Nomura, T., Owada, S., Samelson, A., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, R., Thompson, E.M., van den Bedem, H., Woldeyes, R.A., Yumoto, F., Zhao, W., Tono, K., Boutet, S., Iwata, S., Gonen, T., Sauter, N.K., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-08-27
Structure of 6U5E
Structure ID: 6U5E
Deposition Authors: Wolff, A.M., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Young, I.D., Brewster, A.S., Sugahara, M., Tanaka, R., Sauter, N.K., Tono, K., Iwata, S., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff, A.M., Young, I.D., Sierra, R.G., Brewster, A.S., Martynowycz, M.W., Nango, E., Sugahara, M., Nakane, T., Ito, K., Aquila, A., Bhowmick, A., Biel, J.T., Carbajo, S., Cohen, A.E., Cortez, S., Gonzalez, A., Hino, T., Im, D., Koralek, J.D., Kubo, M., Lazarou, T.S., Nomura, T., Owada, S., Samelson, A., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, R., Thompson, E.M., van den Bedem, H., Woldeyes, R.A., Yumoto, F., Zhao, W., Tono, K., Boutet, S., Iwata, S., Gonen, T., Sauter, N.K., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-08-27
Structure of 6U5G
Structure ID: 6U5G
Deposition Authors: Wolff, A.M., Martynowycz, M.W., Zhao, W., Gonen, T., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Wolff, A.M., Young, I.D., Sierra, R.G., Brewster, A.S., Martynowycz, M.W., Nango, E., Sugahara, M., Nakane, T., Ito, K., Aquila, A., Bhowmick, A., Biel, J.T., Carbajo, S., Cohen, A.E., Cortez, S., Gonzalez, A., Hino, T., Im, D., Koralek, J.D., Kubo, M., Lazarou, T.S., Nomura, T., Owada, S., Samelson, A., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, R., Thompson, E.M., van den Bedem, H., Woldeyes, R.A., Yumoto, F., Zhao, W., Tono, K., Boutet, S., Iwata, S., Gonen, T., Sauter, N.K., Fraser, J.S., Thompson, M.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-08-27
Structure of 6U57
Structure ID: 6U57
Deposition Authors: Botha, S., Ros, A.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32908128
Primary Citation Authors: Echelmeier, A., Cruz Villarreal, J., Messerschmidt, M., Kim, D., Coe, J.D., Thifault, D., Botha, S., Egatz-Gomez, A., Gandhi, S., Brehm, G., Conrad, C.E., Hansen, D.T., Madsen, C., Bajt, S., Meza-Aguilar, J.D., Oberthur, D., Wiedorn, M.O., Fleckenstein, H., Mendez, D., Knoska, J., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Hu, H., Lisova, S., Allahgholi, A., Gevorkov, Y., Ayyer, K., Aplin, S., Ginn, H.M., Graafsma, H., Morgan, A.J., Greiffenberg, D., Klujev, A., Laurus, T., Poehlsen, J., Trunk, U., Mezza, D., Schmidt, B., Kuhn, M., Fromme, R., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Raab, N., Hauf, S., Silenzi, A., Michelat, T., Xu, C., Danilevski, C., Parenti, A., Mekinda, L., Weinhausen, B., Mills, G., Vagovic, P., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Bean, R., Bielecki, J., Stern, S., Giewekemeyer, K., Round, A.R., Schulz, J., Dorner, K., Grant, T.D., Mariani, V., Barty, A., Mancuso, A.P., Weierstall, U., Spence, J.C.H., Chapman, H.N., Zatsepin, N., Fromme, P., Kirian, R.A., Ros, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-08-27
Structure of 6PW8
Structure ID: 6PW8
Deposition Authors: Thifault D.G.,Fromme P.,Martin-Garcia J.M.,
Primary Citation Authors: Thifault D.G.,Fromme P.,Martin-Garcia J.M.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-22
Method: APS
Structure of 6PTX
Structure ID: 6PTX
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31559319
Primary Citation Authors: Sanchez J.C.,Carrillo M.,Pandey S.,Noda M.,Aldama L.,Feliz D.,Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Tracy G.,Duong P.,Nugent A.C.,Field A.,Srajer V.,Kupitz C.,Iwata S.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Tono K.,Owada S.,Westenhoff S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-16
Method: APS
Structure of 6PTQ
Structure ID: 6PTQ
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31559319
Primary Citation Authors: Sanchez J.C.,Carrillo M.,Pandey S.,Noda M.,Aldama L.,Feliz D.,Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Tracy G.,Duong P.,Nugent A.C.,Field A.,Srajer V.,Kupitz C.,Iwata S.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Tono K.,Owada S.,Westenhoff S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-16
Structure of 6PU2
Structure ID: 6PU2
Deposition Authors: Pandey S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31559319
Primary Citation Authors: Sanchez J.C.,Carrillo M.,Pandey S.,Noda M.,Aldama L.,Feliz D.,Claesson E.,Wahlgren W.Y.,Tracy G.,Duong P.,Nugent A.C.,Field A.,Srajer V.,Kupitz C.,Iwata S.,Nango E.,Tanaka R.,Tanaka T.,Fangjia L.,Tono K.,Owada S.,Westenhoff S.,Schmidt M.,Stojkovic E.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-16
Method: APS
Structure of 6PT2
Structure ID: 6PT2
Deposition Authors: Claff, T., Yu, J., Blais, V., Patel, N., Martin, C., Wu, L., Han, G.W., Holleran, B.J., Van der Poorten, O., Hanson, M.A., Sarret, P., Gendron, L., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Ballet, S., Liu, Z., Muller, C.E., Stevens, R.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Claff, T., Yu, J., Blais, V., Patel, N., Martin, C., Wu, L., Han, G.W., Holleran, B.J., Van der Poorten, O., Hanson, M.A., Sarret, P., Gendron, L., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Ballet, S., Liu, Z., Muller, C.E., Stevens, R.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-14
Method: SPRING-8
Structure of 6PT3
Structure ID: 6PT3
Deposition Authors: Claff, T., Yu, J., Blais, V., Patel, N., Martin, C., Wu, L., Han, G.W., Holleran, B.J., Van der Poorten, O., Hanson, M.A., Sarret, P., Gendron, L., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Ballet, S., Liu, Z., Muller, C.E., Stevens, R.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Claff, T., Yu, J., Blais, V., Patel, N., Martin, C., Wu, L., Han, G.W., Holleran, B.J., Van der Poorten, O., Hanson, M.A., Sarret, P., Gendron, L., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Ballet, S., Liu, Z., Muller, C.E., Stevens, R.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-14
Method: SPRING-8
Structure of 6PRZ
Structure ID: 6PRZ
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS0
Structure ID: 6PS0
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS1
Structure ID: 6PS1
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS2
Structure ID: 6PS2
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS3
Structure ID: 6PS3
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS4
Structure ID: 6PS4
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS5
Structure ID: 6PS5
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS6
Structure ID: 6PS6
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS7
Structure ID: 6PS7
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PS8
Structure ID: 6PS8
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, C.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Stauch, B., Han, G.W., Batyuk, A., Shiriaeva, A., Li, C., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Nango, E., Nakane, T., Tanaka, R., Tono, K., Joti, Y., Iwata, S., Moraes, I., Gati, C., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-12
Structure of 6PNY
Structure ID: 6PNY
Deposition Authors: Zook, J.D., Shekhar, M., Hansen, D.T., Conrad, C., Grant, T.D., Gupta, C., White, T., Barty, A., Basu, S., Zhao, Y., Zatsepin, N.A., Ishchenko, A., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Galli, L., Coe, J., Hunter, M., Liang, M., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., James, D., Stauch, B., Craciunescu, F., Thifault, D., Liu, W., Cherezov, V., Singharoy, A., Fromme, P.
Primary Citation Authors: Zook, J.D., Shekhar, M., Hansen, D.T., Conrad, C., Grant, T.D., Gupta, C., White, T., Barty, A., Basu, S., Zhao, Y., Zatsepin, N.A., Ishchenko, A., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Galli, L., Coe, J., Hunter, M., Liang, M., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., James, D., Stauch, B., Craciunescu, F., Thifault, D., Liu, W., Cherezov, V., Singharoy, A., Fromme, P.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-03
Structure of 6PNJ
Structure ID: 6PNJ
Deposition Authors: Gisriel, C.J., Shen, G., Kurashov, V., Ho, M., Zhang, S., Williams, D., Golbeck, J.H., Fromme, P., Bryant, D.A.
Primary Citation Authors: Gisriel, C., Shen, G., Kurashov, V., Ho, M.Y., Zhang, S., Williams, D., Golbeck, J.H., Fromme, P., Bryant, D.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-07-02
Structure of 6PJ6
Structure ID: 6PJ6
Deposition Authors: Stojkovic, V., Myasnikov, A., Frost, A., Fujimori, D.G.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31989172
Primary Citation Authors: Stojkovic, V., Myasnikov, A.G., Young, I.D., Frost, A., Fraser, J.S., Fujimori, D.G.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-27
Structure of 6PGK
Structure ID: 6PGK
Deposition Authors: Fromme, R., Gisriel, C., Fromme, P.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31685819
Primary Citation Authors: Gisriel, C., Coe, J., Letrun, R., Yefanov, O.M., Luna-Chavez, C., Stander, N.E., Lisova, S., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Aplin, S., Grant, T.D., Dorner, K., Sato, T., Echelmeier, A., Cruz Villarreal, J., Hunter, M.S., Wiedorn, M.O., Knoska, J., Mazalova, V., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Yang, J.H., Jones, A., Bean, R., Bielecki, J., Kim, Y., Mills, G., Weinhausen, B., Meza, J.D., Al-Qudami, N., Bajt, S., Brehm, G., Botha, S., Boukhelef, D., Brockhauser, S., Bruce, B.D., Coleman, M.A., Danilevski, C., Discianno, E., Dobson, Z., Fangohr, H., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Gevorkov, Y., Hauf, S., Hosseinizadeh, A., Januschek, F., Ketawala, G.K., Kupitz, C., Maia, L., Manetti, M., Messerschmidt, M., Michelat, T., Mondal, J., Ourmazd, A., Previtali, G., Sarrou, I., Schon, S., Schwander, P., Shelby, M.L., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, J., Turcato, M., White, T.A., Wrona, K., Xu, C., Abdellatif, M.H., Zook, J.D., Spence, J.C.H., Chapman, H.N., Barty, A., Kirian, R.A., Frank, M., Ros, A., Schmidt, M., Fromme, R., Mancuso, A.P., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-24
Structure of 6PFY
Structure ID: 6PFY
Deposition Authors: Fromme, R.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31685819
Primary Citation Authors: Gisriel, C., Coe, J., Letrun, R., Yefanov, O.M., Luna-Chavez, C., Stander, N.E., Lisova, S., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Aplin, S., Grant, T.D., Dorner, K., Sato, T., Echelmeier, A., Cruz Villarreal, J., Hunter, M.S., Wiedorn, M.O., Knoska, J., Mazalova, V., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Yang, J.H., Jones, A., Bean, R., Bielecki, J., Kim, Y., Mills, G., Weinhausen, B., Meza, J.D., Al-Qudami, N., Bajt, S., Brehm, G., Botha, S., Boukhelef, D., Brockhauser, S., Bruce, B.D., Coleman, M.A., Danilevski, C., Discianno, E., Dobson, Z., Fangohr, H., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Gevorkov, Y., Hauf, S., Hosseinizadeh, A., Januschek, F., Ketawala, G.K., Kupitz, C., Maia, L., Manetti, M., Messerschmidt, M., Michelat, T., Mondal, J., Ourmazd, A., Previtali, G., Sarrou, I., Schon, S., Schwander, P., Shelby, M.L., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, J., Turcato, M., White, T.A., Wrona, K., Xu, C., Abdellatif, M.H., Zook, J.D., Spence, J.C.H., Chapman, H.N., Barty, A., Kirian, R.A., Frank, M., Ros, A., Schmidt, M., Fromme, R., Mancuso, A.P., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-23
Method: ALS
Structure of 6S0Q
Structure ID: 6S0Q
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6S19
Structure ID: 6S19
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.Ch.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.-Ch.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6S1D
Structure ID: 6S1D
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6S1E
Structure ID: 6S1E
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6S1G
Structure ID: 6S1G
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6PCR
Structure ID: 6PCR
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6PCQ
Structure ID: 6PCQ
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6PCT
Structure ID: 6PCT
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6PCS
Structure ID: 6PCS
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-18
Structure of 6S0L
Structure ID: 6S0L
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., Basu, S., James, D., Knopp, G., Cirelli, C., Martiel, I., Casadei, C., Weinert, T., Nogly, P., Skopintsev, P., Usov, I., Leonarski, F., Geng, T., Rappas, M., Dore, A.S., Cooke, R., Nasrollahi Shirazi, S., Dworkowski, F., Sharpe, M., Olieric, N., Steinmetz, M.O., Schertler, G., Abela, R., Patthey, L., Schmitt, B., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J., Wang, M., Milne, J.C.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-17
Structure of 6PCH
Structure ID: 6PCH
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-17
Structure of 6PC6
Structure ID: 6PC6
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-16
Structure of 6PC5
Structure ID: 6PC5
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-16
Structure of 6PC8
Structure ID: 6PC8
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-16
Structure of 6PC7
Structure ID: 6PC7
Deposition Authors: Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32968273
Primary Citation Authors: Li Q.,Pellegrino J.,Lee D.J.,Tran A.A.,Chaires H.A.,Wang R.,Park J.E.,Ji K.,Chow D.,Zhang N.,Brilot A.F.,Biel J.T.,van Zundert G.,Borrelli K.,Shinabarger D.,Wolfe C.,Murray B.,Jacobson M.P.,Muhle E.,Chesneau O.,Fraser J.S.,Seiple I.B.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-16
Structure of 6RZ4
Structure ID: 6RZ4
Deposition Authors: Luginina, A., Gusach, A., Marin, E., Mishin, A., Brouillette, R., Popov, P., Shiryaeva, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Lyapina, E., Ishchenko, A., Patel, N., Polovinkin, V., Safronova, N., Bogorodskiy, A., Edelweiss, E., Liu, W., Batyuk, A., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31633023
Primary Citation Authors: Luginina, A., Gusach, A., Marin, E., Mishin, A., Brouillette, R., Popov, P., Shiriaeva, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Lyapina, E., Ishchenko, A., Patel, N., Polovinkin, V., Safronova, N., Bogorodskiy, A., Edelweiss, E., Hu, H., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Batyuk, A., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6RZ5
Structure ID: 6RZ5
Deposition Authors: Luginina, A., Gusach, A., Marin, E., Mishin, A., Brouillette, R., Popov, P., Shiryaeva, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Lyapina, E., Ishchenko, A., Patel, N., Polovinkin, V., Safronova, N., Bogorodskiy, A., Edelweiss, E., Liu, W., Batyuk, A., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31633023
Primary Citation Authors: Luginina, A., Gusach, A., Marin, E., Mishin, A., Brouillette, R., Popov, P., Shiriaeva, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Lyapina, E., Ishchenko, A., Patel, N., Polovinkin, V., Safronova, N., Bogorodskiy, A., Edelweiss, E., Hu, H., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Batyuk, A., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Structure of 6RZ6
Structure ID: 6RZ6
Deposition Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Method: ESRF; ESRF
Structure of 6RZ7
Structure ID: 6RZ7
Deposition Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6RZ8
Structure ID: 6RZ8
Deposition Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6RZ9
Structure ID: 6RZ9
Deposition Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Gusach, A., Luginina, A., Marin, E., Brouillette, R.L., Besserer-Offroy, E., Longpre, J.M., Ishchenko, A., Popov, P., Fujimoto, T., Maruyama, T., Stauch, B., Ergasheva, M., Romanovskaya, D., Stepko, A., Kovalev, K., Shevtsov, M., Gordeliy, V., Han, G.W., Sarret, P., Katritch, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-12
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6P73
Structure ID: 6P73
Deposition Authors: Schmidt M.,Pacheco A.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31381304
Primary Citation Authors: Ali M.,Stein N.,Mao Y.,Shahid S.,Schmidt M.,Bennett B.,Pacheco A.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-06-04
Structure of 6P5D
Structure ID: 6P5D
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31740816
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey, S., Bean, R., Sato, T., Poudyal, I., Bielecki, J., Cruz Villarreal, J., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., White, T.A., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M., Abdellatif, M.H., Bajt, S., Bondar, V., Echelmeier, A., Doppler, D., Emons, M., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Gevorkov, Y., Giovanetti, G., Jiang, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Klimovskaia, A., Knoska, J., Koua, F.H.M., Letrun, R., Lisova, S., Maia, L., Mazalova, V., Meza, D., Michelat, T., Ourmazd, A., Palmer, G., Ramilli, M., Schubert, R., Schwander, P., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Tolstikova, A., Chapman, H.N., Ros, A., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Mancuso, A.P., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-30
Structure of 6P5E
Structure ID: 6P5E
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31740816
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey, S., Bean, R., Sato, T., Poudyal, I., Bielecki, J., Cruz Villarreal, J., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., White, T.A., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M., Abdellatif, M.H., Bajt, S., Bondar, V., Echelmeier, A., Doppler, D., Emons, M., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Gevorkov, Y., Giovanetti, G., Jiang, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Klimovskaia, A., Knoska, J., Koua, F.H.M., Letrun, R., Lisova, S., Maia, L., Mazalova, V., Meza, D., Michelat, T., Ourmazd, A., Palmer, G., Ramilli, M., Schubert, R., Schwander, P., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Tolstikova, A., Chapman, H.N., Ros, A., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Mancuso, A.P., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-30
Structure of 6P5F
Structure ID: 6P5F
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31740816
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey, S., Bean, R., Sato, T., Poudyal, I., Bielecki, J., Cruz Villarreal, J., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., White, T.A., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M., Abdellatif, M.H., Bajt, S., Bondar, V., Echelmeier, A., Doppler, D., Emons, M., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Gevorkov, Y., Giovanetti, G., Jiang, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Klimovskaia, A., Knoska, J., Koua, F.H.M., Letrun, R., Lisova, S., Maia, L., Mazalova, V., Meza, D., Michelat, T., Ourmazd, A., Palmer, G., Ramilli, M., Schubert, R., Schwander, P., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Tolstikova, A., Chapman, H.N., Ros, A., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Mancuso, A.P., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-30
Structure of 6P5G
Structure ID: 6P5G
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31740816
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey, S., Bean, R., Sato, T., Poudyal, I., Bielecki, J., Cruz Villarreal, J., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., White, T.A., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M., Abdellatif, M.H., Bajt, S., Bondar, V., Echelmeier, A., Doppler, D., Emons, M., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Gevorkov, Y., Giovanetti, G., Jiang, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Klimovskaia, A., Knoska, J., Koua, F.H.M., Letrun, R., Lisova, S., Maia, L., Mazalova, V., Meza, D., Michelat, T., Ourmazd, A., Palmer, G., Ramilli, M., Schubert, R., Schwander, P., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Tolstikova, A., Chapman, H.N., Ros, A., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Mancuso, A.P., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-30
Structure of 6P4I
Structure ID: 6P4I
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31740816
Primary Citation Authors: Pandey, S., Bean, R., Sato, T., Poudyal, I., Bielecki, J., Cruz Villarreal, J., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., White, T.A., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M., Abdellatif, M.H., Bajt, S., Bondar, V., Echelmeier, A., Doppler, D., Emons, M., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Gevorkov, Y., Giovanetti, G., Jiang, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kirkwood, H., Klimovskaia, A., Knoska, J., Koua, F.H.M., Letrun, R., Lisova, S., Maia, L., Mazalova, V., Meza, D., Michelat, T., Ourmazd, A., Palmer, G., Ramilli, M., Schubert, R., Schwander, P., Silenzi, A., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Tolstikova, A., Chapman, H.N., Ros, A., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Mancuso, A.P., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-27
Structure of 6RPG
Structure ID: 6RPG
Deposition Authors: Magiera-Mularz, K., Basu, S., Yang, J., Xu, B., Skalniak, L., Musielak, B., Kholodovych, V., Holak, T.A., Hu, L.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31298541
Primary Citation Authors: Basu, S., Yang, J., Xu, B., Magiera-Mularz, K., Skalniak, L., Musielak, B., Kholodovych, V., Holak, T.T.A., Hu, L.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-14
Structure of 6OWE
Structure ID: 6OWE
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Stoffel, G., Saez, D., DeMirci, H., Vogeli, B., Rao, Y., Zarzycki, J., Yoshikuni, Y., Wakatsuki, S., Vohringer-Martinez, E., Erb, T.
Deposition Date: 2019-05-09
Method: APS
Structure of 6OMP
Structure ID: 6OMP
Deposition Authors: Liu, Y.C., Dong, L.B., Shen, B.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31291107
Primary Citation Authors: Dong, L.B., Liu, Y.C., Cepeda, A.J., Kalkreuter, E., Deng, M.R., Rudolf, J.D., Chang, C., Joachimiak, A., Phillips, G.N., Shen, B.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-19
Method: APS
Structure of 6OMQ
Structure ID: 6OMQ
Deposition Authors: Liu, Y.C., Dong, L.B., Shen, B.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31291107
Primary Citation Authors: Dong, L.B., Liu, Y.C., Cepeda, A.J., Kalkreuter, E., Deng, M.R., Rudolf, J.D., Chang, C., Joachimiak, A., Phillips, G.N., Shen, B.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-19
Method: APS
Structure of 6OMR
Structure ID: 6OMR
Deposition Authors: Liu, Y.C., Dong, L.B., Shen, B.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31291107
Primary Citation Authors: Dong, L.B., Liu, Y.C., Cepeda, A.J., Kalkreuter, E., Deng, M.R., Rudolf, J.D., Chang, C., Joachimiak, A., Phillips, G.N., Shen, B.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-19
Structure of 6RFU
Structure ID: 6RFU
Deposition Authors: Nass, K., Redecke, L., Perbandt, M., Yefanov, O., Gabdulkhakov, A., Duszenko, M., Chapman, H.N., Betzel, C.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 32001697
Primary Citation Authors: Nass, K., Redecke, L., Perbandt, M., Yefanov, O., Klinge, M., Koopmann, R., Stellato, F., Gabdulkhakov, A., Schonherr, R., Rehders, D., Lahey-Rudolph, J.M., Aquila, A., Barty, A., Basu, S., Doak, R.B., Duden, R., Frank, M., Fromme, R., Kassemeyer, S., Katona, G., Kirian, R., Liu, H., Majoul, I., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Messerschmidt, M., Shoeman, R.L., Weierstall, U., Westenhoff, S., White, T.A., Williams, G.J., Yoon, C.H., Zatsepin, N., Fromme, P., Duszenko, M., Chapman, H.N., Betzel, C.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-16
Structure of 6OIY
Structure ID: 6OIY
Deposition Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Calero G.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31019074
Primary Citation Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Song J.,Lin G.,Baxter E.L.,Brewster A.S.,Nagarajan V.,Holmes A.,Soltis S.M.,Sauter N.K.,Ahn J.,Cohen A.E.,Calero G.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6OIX
Structure ID: 6OIX
Deposition Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Calero G.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31019074
Primary Citation Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Song J.,Lin G.,Baxter E.L.,Brewster A.S.,Nagarajan V.,Holmes A.,Soltis S.M.,Sauter N.K.,Ahn J.,Cohen A.E.,Calero G.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-09
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6OIW
Structure ID: 6OIW
Deposition Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Calero G.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31019074
Primary Citation Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Song J.,Lin G.,Baxter E.L.,Brewster A.S.,Nagarajan V.,Holmes A.,Soltis S.M.,Sauter N.K.,Ahn J.,Cohen A.E.,Calero G.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-09
Method: APS
Structure of 6OIV
Structure ID: 6OIV
Deposition Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Calero G.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31019074
Primary Citation Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Song J.,Lin G.,Baxter E.L.,Brewster A.S.,Nagarajan V.,Holmes A.,Soltis S.M.,Sauter N.K.,Ahn J.,Cohen A.E.,Calero G.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-09
Structure of 6OI7
Structure ID: 6OI7
Deposition Authors: Calero G.,Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31019074
Primary Citation Authors: Barnes C.O.,Wu Y.,Song J.,Lin G.,Baxter E.L.,Brewster A.S.,Nagarajan V.,Holmes A.,Soltis S.M.,Sauter N.K.,Ahn J.,Cohen A.E.,Calero G.
Deposition Date: 2019-04-08
Method: APS
Structure of 6OB5
Structure ID: 6OB5
Deposition Authors: Thompson, M.C., Glasgow, A.A., Huang, Y.M., Fraser, J.S., Kortemme, T.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31754004
Primary Citation Authors: Glasgow, A.A., Huang, Y.M., Mandell, D.J., Thompson, M., Ritterson, R., Loshbaugh, A.L., Pellegrino, J., Krivacic, C., Pache, R.A., Barlow, K.A., Ollikainen, N., Jeon, D., Kelly, M.J.S., Fraser, J.S., Kortemme, T.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-19
Method: ALS
Structure of 6R2O
Structure ID: 6R2O
Deposition Authors: Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Sarrou, I.
Primary Citation Authors: Knoska, J., Adriano, L., Awel, S., Beyerlein, K.R., Yefanov, O., Oberthuer, D., Pena Murillo, G.E., Roth, N., Sarrou, I., Villanueva-Perez, P., Wiedorn, M.O., Wilde, F., Bajt, S., Chapman , H.N., Heymann, M.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-18
Structure of 6QXV
Structure ID: 6QXV
Deposition Authors: Tolstikova, A., Oberthuer, D., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QXW
Structure ID: 6QXW
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QY0
Structure ID: 6QY0
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QY1
Structure ID: 6QY1
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QY2
Structure ID: 6QY2
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QY4
Structure ID: 6QY4
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QXX
Structure ID: 6QXX
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31576225
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N.L., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Wator, E., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QXY
Structure ID: 6QXY
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31576225
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N.L., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Wator, E., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6QY5
Structure ID: 6QY5
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Tolstikova, A., Meents, A.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31576225
Primary Citation Authors: Tolstikova, A., Levantino, M., Yefanov, O., Hennicke, V., Fischer, P., Meyer, J., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Crosas, E., Opara, N.L., Barthelmess, M., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Wator, E., Mohacsi, I., Wulff, M., Schmitt, B., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-03-08
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6O2Q
Structure ID: 6O2Q
Deposition Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31072936
Primary Citation Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D.B., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-24
Structure of 6O2R
Structure ID: 6O2R
Deposition Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31072936
Primary Citation Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D.B., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-24
Structure of 6O2S
Structure ID: 6O2S
Deposition Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31072936
Primary Citation Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D.B., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-24
Structure of 6O2T
Structure ID: 6O2T
Deposition Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31072936
Primary Citation Authors: Eshun-Wilson, L., Zhang, R., Portran, D., Nachury, M.V., Toso, D.B., Lohr, T., Vendruscolo, M., Bonomi, M., Fraser, J.S., Nogales, E.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-24
Structure of 6QRR
Structure ID: 6QRR
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRS
Structure ID: 6QRS
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRT
Structure ID: 6QRT
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRU
Structure ID: 6QRU
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRV
Structure ID: 6QRV
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRW
Structure ID: 6QRW
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRX
Structure ID: 6QRX
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6QRY
Structure ID: 6QRY
Deposition Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 31274415
Primary Citation Authors: Taberman, H., Bury, C.S., van der Woerd, M.J., Snell, E.H., Garman, E.F.
Deposition Date: 2019-02-19
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NPQ
Structure ID: 6NPQ
Deposition Authors: Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-18
Structure of 6NMP
Structure ID: 6NMP
Deposition Authors: Rousseau, D.L., Yeh, S.-R., Ishigami, I.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30808749
Primary Citation Authors: Ishigami, I., Lewis-Ballester, A., Echelmeier, A., Brehm, G., Zatsepin, N.A., Grant, T.D., Coe, J.D., Lisova, S., Nelson, G., Zhang, S., Dobson, Z.F., Boutet, S., Sierra, R.G., Batyuk, A., Fromme, P., Fromme, R., Spence, J.C.H., Ros, A., Yeh, S.R., Rousseau, D.L.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-11
Structure of 6NMF
Structure ID: 6NMF
Deposition Authors: Rousseau, D.L., Yeh, S.-R., Ishigami, I.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30808749
Primary Citation Authors: Ishigami, I., Lewis-Ballester, A., Echelmeier, A., Brehm, G., Zatsepin, N.A., Grant, T.D., Coe, J.D., Lisova, S., Nelson, G., Zhang, S., Dobson, Z.F., Boutet, S., Sierra, R.G., Batyuk, A., Fromme, P., Fromme, R., Spence, J.C.H., Ros, A., Yeh, S.R., Rousseau, D.L.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-10
Structure of 6QF1
Structure ID: 6QF1
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-09
Structure of 6QF2
Structure ID: 6QF2
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-09
Structure of 6QF3
Structure ID: 6QF3
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-09
Structure of 6QF4
Structure ID: 6QF4
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-09
Structure of 6QF5
Structure ID: 6QF5
Deposition Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Primary Citation Authors: Lieske, J., Cerv, M., Kreida, S., Barthelmess, M., Fischer, P., Pakendorf, T., Yefanov, O., Mariani, V., Seine, T., Ross, B.H., Crosas, E., Lorbeer, O., Burkhardt, A., Lane, T.J., Guenther, S., Bergtholdt, J., Schoen, S., Tornroth-Horsefield, S., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-09
Structure of 6NKN
Structure ID: 6NKN
Deposition Authors: Rousseau, D.L., Yeh, S.-R., Ishigami, I.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30808749
Primary Citation Authors: Ishigami, I., Lewis-Ballester, A., Echelmeier, A., Brehm, G., Zatsepin, N.A., Grant, T.D., Coe, J.D., Lisova, S., Nelson, G., Zhang, S., Dobson, Z.F., Boutet, S., Sierra, R.G., Batyuk, A., Fromme, P., Fromme, R., Spence, J.C.H., Ros, A., Yeh, S.R., Rousseau, D.L.
Deposition Date: 2019-01-07
Structure of 6NI4
Structure ID: 6NI4
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NI5
Structure ID: 6NI5
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NI6
Structure ID: 6NI6
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NI7
Structure ID: 6NI7
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NI9
Structure ID: 6NI9
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6NIA
Structure ID: 6NIA
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., de Oliveira, S.H.P., Madzelan, P., Marchany-Rivera, D., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Boutet, S., Hunter, M.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Batyuk, A., Wierman, J., Lyubimov, A., Brewster, A.S., Sauter, N.K., Applegate, G.A., Tiwari, V.K., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M.C., Cohen, A.E., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Method: APS
Structure of 6NI8
Structure ID: 6NI8
Deposition Authors: Wilson, M.A., Dasgupta, M., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Dasgupta, M., Budday, D., Madzelan, P., Seravalli, J., Hayes, B., Sierra, R.G., Applegate, G., Tiwari, V., Berkowitz, D.B., Thompson, M., Fraser, J.S., Wall, M.E., van den Bedem, H., Wilson, M.A.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-26
Structure of 6NA3
Structure ID: 6NA3
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-05
Method: APS
Structure of 6NA5
Structure ID: 6NA5
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-05
Method: APS
Structure of 6NA6
Structure ID: 6NA6
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-05
Structure of 6NA4
Structure ID: 6NA4
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: DeMirci, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-12-05
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6I59
Structure ID: 6I59
Deposition Authors: Basu, S., Olieric, V., Matsugaki, N., Kawano, Y., Takashi, T., Huang, C.Y., Leonarski, F., Yamada, Y., Vera, L., Olieric, N., Basquin, J., Wojdyla, J.A., Diederichs, K., Yamamoto, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citation Authors: Basu, S., Olieric, V., Leonarski, F., Matsugaki, N., Kawano, Y., Takashi, T., Huang, C.Y., Yamada, Y., Vera, L., Olieric, N., Basquin, J., Wojdyla, J.A., Diederichs, K., Yamamoto, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2018-11-13
Structure of 6I5C
Structure ID: 6I5C
Deposition Authors: Basu, S., Olieric, V., Matsugaki, N., Kawano, Y., Takashi, T., Huang, C.Y., Leonarski, F., Yamada, Y., Vera, L., Olieric, N., Basquin, J., Wojdyla, J.A., Diederichs, K., Yamamoto, M., Wang, M.
Primary Citation Authors: Basu, S., Olieric, V., Leonarski, F., Matsugaki, N., Kawano, Y., Takashi, T., Huang, C.Y., Yamada, Y., Vera, L., Olieric, N., Basquin, J., Wojdyla, J.A., Diederichs, K., Yamamoto, M., Wang, M.
Deposition Date: 2018-11-13
Structure of 6MKN
Structure ID: 6MKN
Deposition Authors: Cantara, W.A., DeMirci, H., Agris, P.F.
Primary Citation Authors: Cantara, W.A., Vangaveti, S., Sarachan, K.L., Spears, J.L., DeMirci, H., Murphy IV, F.V., Ranganathan, S.V., Agris, P.F.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-25
Method: APS
Structure of 6MH6
Structure ID: 6MH6
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia, J.M., Zhu, L., Mendez, D., Lee, M., Chun, E., Li, C., Hu, H., Subramanian, G., Kissick, D., Ogata, C., Henning, R., Ishchenko, A., Dobson, Z., Zhan, S., Weierstall, U., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A., Fischetti, R.F., Cherezov, V., Liu, W.
Primary Citation Authors: Martin-Garcia, J.M., Zhu, L., Mendez, D., Lee, M., Chun, E., Li, C., Hu, H., Subramanian, G., Kissick, D., Ogata, C., Henning, R., Ishchenko, A., Dobson, Z., Zhan, S., Weierstall, U., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A., Fischetti, R.F., Cherezov, V., Liu, W.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-17
Method: APS
Structure of 6MH8
Structure ID: 6MH8
Deposition Authors: Martin-Garcia, J.M., Zhu, L., Mendez, D., Lee, M., Chun, E., Li, C., Hu, H., Subramanian, G., Kissick, D., Ogata, C., Henning, R., Ishchenko, A., Dobson, Z., Zhan, S., Weierstall, U., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A., Fischetti, R.F., Cherezov, V., Liu, W.
Primary Citation Authors: Martin-Garcia, J.M., Zhu, L., Mendez, D., Lee, M., Chun, E., Li, C., Hu, H., Subramanian, G., Kissick, D., Ogata, C., Henning, R., Ishchenko, A., Dobson, Z., Zhan, S., Weierstall, U., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P., Zatsepin, N.A., Fischetti, R.F., Cherezov, V., Liu, W.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-17
Method: APS
Structure of 6ME2
Structure ID: 6ME2
Deposition Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME3
Structure ID: 6ME3
Deposition Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME4
Structure ID: 6ME4
Deposition Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME5
Structure ID: 6ME5
Deposition Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Stauch, B., Johansson, L.C., McCorvy, J.D., Patel, N., Han, G.W., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Ishchenko, A., Brehm, W., White, T.A., Michaelian, N., Madsen, C., Zhu, L., Grant, T.D., Grandner, J.M., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Weierstall, U., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Liu, W., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME6
Structure ID: 6ME6
Deposition Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME7
Structure ID: 6ME7
Deposition Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME8
Structure ID: 6ME8
Deposition Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 6ME9
Structure ID: 6ME9
Deposition Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Johansson, L.C., Stauch, B., McCorvy, J., Han, G.W., Patel, N., Batyuk, A., Gati, C., Li, C., Grandner, J., Hao, S., Olsen, R.H.J., Tribo, A.R., Zaare, S., Zhu, L., Zatsepin, N.A., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Roth, B.L., Katritch, V., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-09-05
Structure of 5QDE
Structure ID: 5QDE
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDF
Structure ID: 5QDF
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDG
Structure ID: 5QDG
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDH
Structure ID: 5QDH
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDI
Structure ID: 5QDI
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDJ
Structure ID: 5QDJ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDK
Structure ID: 5QDK
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDL
Structure ID: 5QDL
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDM
Structure ID: 5QDM
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDN
Structure ID: 5QDN
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDO
Structure ID: 5QDO
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDP
Structure ID: 5QDP
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDQ
Structure ID: 5QDQ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDR
Structure ID: 5QDR
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDS
Structure ID: 5QDS
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDT
Structure ID: 5QDT
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDU
Structure ID: 5QDU
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDV
Structure ID: 5QDV
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDW
Structure ID: 5QDW
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDX
Structure ID: 5QDX
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDY
Structure ID: 5QDY
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QDZ
Structure ID: 5QDZ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE0
Structure ID: 5QE0
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE1
Structure ID: 5QE1
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE2
Structure ID: 5QE2
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE3
Structure ID: 5QE3
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE4
Structure ID: 5QE4
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE5
Structure ID: 5QE5
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE6
Structure ID: 5QE6
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE7
Structure ID: 5QE7
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE8
Structure ID: 5QE8
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QE9
Structure ID: 5QE9
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEA
Structure ID: 5QEA
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEB
Structure ID: 5QEB
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEC
Structure ID: 5QEC
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QED
Structure ID: 5QED
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEE
Structure ID: 5QEE
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEF
Structure ID: 5QEF
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEG
Structure ID: 5QEG
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEH
Structure ID: 5QEH
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEI
Structure ID: 5QEI
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEJ
Structure ID: 5QEJ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEK
Structure ID: 5QEK
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEL
Structure ID: 5QEL
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEM
Structure ID: 5QEM
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEN
Structure ID: 5QEN
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEO
Structure ID: 5QEO
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEP
Structure ID: 5QEP
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEQ
Structure ID: 5QEQ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QER
Structure ID: 5QER
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QES
Structure ID: 5QES
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QET
Structure ID: 5QET
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEU
Structure ID: 5QEU
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEV
Structure ID: 5QEV
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEW
Structure ID: 5QEW
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEX
Structure ID: 5QEX
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEY
Structure ID: 5QEY
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QEZ
Structure ID: 5QEZ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF0
Structure ID: 5QF0
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF1
Structure ID: 5QF1
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF2
Structure ID: 5QF2
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF3
Structure ID: 5QF3
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF4
Structure ID: 5QF4
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF5
Structure ID: 5QF5
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF6
Structure ID: 5QF6
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF7
Structure ID: 5QF7
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF8
Structure ID: 5QF8
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QF9
Structure ID: 5QF9
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFA
Structure ID: 5QFA
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFB
Structure ID: 5QFB
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFC
Structure ID: 5QFC
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFD
Structure ID: 5QFD
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFE
Structure ID: 5QFE
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFF
Structure ID: 5QFF
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFG
Structure ID: 5QFG
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFH
Structure ID: 5QFH
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFI
Structure ID: 5QFI
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFJ
Structure ID: 5QFJ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFK
Structure ID: 5QFK
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFL
Structure ID: 5QFL
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFM
Structure ID: 5QFM
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFN
Structure ID: 5QFN
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFO
Structure ID: 5QFO
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFP
Structure ID: 5QFP
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFQ
Structure ID: 5QFQ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFR
Structure ID: 5QFR
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFS
Structure ID: 5QFS
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFT
Structure ID: 5QFT
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFU
Structure ID: 5QFU
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFV
Structure ID: 5QFV
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFW
Structure ID: 5QFW
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFX
Structure ID: 5QFX
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFY
Structure ID: 5QFY
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QFZ
Structure ID: 5QFZ
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG0
Structure ID: 5QG0
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG1
Structure ID: 5QG1
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG2
Structure ID: 5QG2
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG3
Structure ID: 5QG3
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG4
Structure ID: 5QG4
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG5
Structure ID: 5QG5
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG6
Structure ID: 5QG6
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG7
Structure ID: 5QG7
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG8
Structure ID: 5QG8
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QG9
Structure ID: 5QG9
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGA
Structure ID: 5QGA
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGB
Structure ID: 5QGB
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGC
Structure ID: 5QGC
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGD
Structure ID: 5QGD
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGE
Structure ID: 5QGE
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 5QGF
Structure ID: 5QGF
Deposition Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citation Authors: Keedy, D.A., Hill, Z.B., Biel, J.T., Kang, E., Rettenmaier, T.J., Brandao-Neto, J., von Delft, F., Wells, J.A., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-30
Structure of 6M9T
Structure ID: 6M9T
Deposition Authors: Audet, M., White, K.L., Breton, B., Zarzycka, B., Han, G.W., Lu, Y., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Popov, P., Velasquez, J., Manahan, D., Hu, H., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Shui, W., Katrich, V., Cherezov, V., Hanson, M.A., Stevens, R.C.
Primary Citation Authors: Audet, M., White, K.L., Breton, B., Zarzycka, B., Han, G.W., Lu, Y., Gati, C., Batyuk, A., Popov, P., Velasquez, J., Manahan, D., Hu, H., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Shui, W., Katrich, V., Cherezov, V., Hanson, M.A., Stevens, R.C.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-24
Structure of 6M9B
Structure ID: 6M9B
Deposition Authors: Finke, A.D.
Primary Citation Authors: Basu, S., Finke, A.D., Wang, M., Olieric, V.
Deposition Date: 2018-08-23
Method: SLS
Structure of 6GTH
Structure ID: 6GTH
Deposition Authors: Wiedorn, M., Oberthuer, D., Werner, N., Schubert, R., White, T.A., Mancuso, A., Perbandt, M., Betzel, C., Barty, A., Chapman, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30279492
Primary Citation Authors: Wiedorn, M.O., Oberthur, D., Bean, R., Schubert, R., Werner, N., Abbey, B., Aepfelbacher, M., Adriano, L., Allahgholi, A., Al-Qudami, N., Andreasson, J., Aplin, S., Awel, S., Ayyer, K., Bajt, S., Barak, I., Bari, S., Bielecki, J., Botha, S., Boukhelef, D., Brehm, W., Brockhauser, S., Cheviakov, I., Coleman, M.A., Cruz-Mazo, F., Danilevski, C., Darmanin, C., Doak, R.B., Domaracky, M., Dorner, K., Du, Y., Fangohr, H., Fleckenstein, H., Frank, M., Fromme, P., Ganan-Calvo, A.M., Gevorkov, Y., Giewekemeyer, K., Ginn, H.M., Graafsma, H., Graceffa, R., Greiffenberg, D., Gumprecht, L., Gottlicher, P., Hajdu, J., Hauf, S., Heymann, M., Holmes, S., Horke, D.A., Hunter, M.S., Imlau, S., Kaukher, A., Kim, Y., Klyuev, A., Knoska, J., Kobe, B., Kuhn, M., Kupitz, C., Kupper, J., Lahey-Rudolph, J.M., Laurus, T., Le Cong, K., Letrun, R., Xavier, P.L., Maia, L., Maia, F.R.N.C., Mariani, V., Messerschmidt, M., Metz, M., Mezza, D., Michelat, T., Mills, G., Monteiro, D.C.F., Morgan, A., Muhlig, K., Munke, A., Munnich, A., Nette, J., Nugent, K.A., Nuguid, T., Orville, A.M., Pandey, S., Pena, G., Villanueva-Perez, P., Poehlsen, J., Previtali, G., Redecke, L., Riekehr, W.M., Rohde, H., Round, A., Safenreiter, T., Sarrou, I., Sato, T., Schmidt, M., Schmitt, B., Schonherr, R., Schulz, J., Sellberg, J.A., Seibert, M.M., Seuring, C., Shelby, M.L., Shoeman, R.L., Sikorski, M., Silenzi, A., Stan, C.A., Shi, X., Stern, S., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, J., Tolstikova, A., Trebbin, M., Trunk, U., Vagovic, P., Ve, T., Weinhausen, B., White, T.A., Wrona, K., Xu, C., Yefanov, O., Zatsepin, N., Zhang, J., Perbandt, M., Mancuso, A.P., Betzel, C., Chapman, H., Barty, A.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-18
Structure of 6DTI
Structure ID: 6DTI
Deposition Authors: Cantara, W.A., DeMirci, H., Agris, P.F.
Primary Citation Authors: Cantara, W.A., Vangaveti, S., Sarachan, K.L., Spears, J.L., DeMirci, H., Murphy IV, F.V., Ranganathan, S.V., Agris, P.F.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-16
Method: APS
Structure of 6DMG
Structure ID: 6DMG
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G.C.P., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Structure of 6DMH
Structure ID: 6DMH
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G., Keedy, D., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Structure of 6DMI
Structure ID: 6DMI
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G., Keedy, D., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Method: SLS
Structure of 6DMJ
Structure ID: 6DMJ
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G., Keedy, D., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Structure of 6DMK
Structure ID: 6DMK
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G., Keedy, D., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Structure of 6DML
Structure ID: 6DML
Deposition Authors: Hudson, B.M., van Zundert, G., Keedy, D., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J.S., van den Bedem, H.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30457858
Primary Citation Authors: van Zundert, G., Hudson, B.M., de Oliveira, S., Keedy, D.A., Fonseca, R., Heliou, A., Suresh, P., Borrelli, K., Day, T., Fraser, J., van den Bedem, H.
Deposition Date: 2018-06-05
Method: ESRF
Structure of 5ZTK
Structure ID: 5ZTK
Deposition Authors: Yun, J.H., Park, J.H., Park, S.Y., Lee, W.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30455349
Primary Citation Authors: Yun, J.H., Li, X., Park, J.H., Wang, Y., Ohki, M., Jin, Z., Lee, W., Park, S.Y., Hu, H., Li, C., Zatsepin, N., Hunter, M.S., Sierra, R.G., Koralek, J., Yoon, C.H., Cho, H.S., Weierstall, U., Tang, L., Liu, H., Lee, W.
Deposition Date: 2018-05-04
Structure of 5ZTL
Structure ID: 5ZTL
Deposition Authors: Yun, J.H., Park, S.Y., Liu, H., Lee, W.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30455349
Primary Citation Authors: Yun, J.H., Li, X., Park, J.H., Wang, Y., Ohki, M., Jin, Z., Lee, W., Park, S.Y., Hu, H., Li, C., Zatsepin, N., Hunter, M.S., Sierra, R.G., Koralek, J., Yoon, C.H., Cho, H.S., Weierstall, U., Tang, L., Liu, H., Lee, W.
Deposition Date: 2018-05-04
Structure of 6D10
Structure ID: 6D10
Deposition Authors: Tammam, S., Howell, P.L.
Primary Citation Authors: Low, K.E., Tammam, S.D., Whitfield, G.B., Riley, L.M., Weadge, J.T., Caldwell, S.J., Baker, P., Chong, P.A., Walvoort, M.T.C., Kitova, E.N., Grant, T.D., Snell, E.H., Klassen, J.S., Codee, J.D.C., Howell, P.L.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-11
Structure of 6CZT
Structure ID: 6CZT
Deposition Authors: Tammam, S., Howell, P.L.
Primary Citation Authors: Low, K.E., Tammam, S.D., Whitfield, G.B., Riley, L.M., Weadge, J.T., Caldwell, S.J., Baker, P., Chong, P.A., Walvoort, M.T.C., Kitova, E.N., Grant, T.D., Snell, E.H., Klassen, J.S., Codee, J.D.C., Howell, P.L.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-09
Structure of 6G7H
Structure ID: 6G7H
Deposition Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Cabajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Bruenle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29903883
Primary Citation Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Carbajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Brunle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Structure of 6G7I
Structure ID: 6G7I
Deposition Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Cabajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Bruenle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29903883
Primary Citation Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Carbajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Brunle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Structure of 6G7J
Structure ID: 6G7J
Deposition Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Cabajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Bruenle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29903883
Primary Citation Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Carbajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Brunle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Structure of 6G7K
Structure ID: 6G7K
Deposition Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Cabajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Bruenle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29903883
Primary Citation Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Carbajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Brunle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Structure of 6G7L
Structure ID: 6G7L
Deposition Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Cabajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Bruenle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29903883
Primary Citation Authors: Nogly, P., Weinert, T., James, D., Carbajo, S., Ozerov, D., Furrer, A., Gashi, D., Borin, V., Skopintsev, P., Jaeger, K., Nass, K., Bath, P., Bosman, R., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M., Lane, T., Kekilli, D., Brunle, S., Tanaka, T., Wu, W., Milne, C., White, T., Barty, A., Weierstall, U., Panneels, V., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Hunter, M., Schapiro, I., Schertler, G., Neutze, R., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Structure of 6G7O
Structure ID: 6G7O
Deposition Authors: Leyrat, C., Vasiliauskaite-Brooks, I., Healey, R.D., Sounier, R., Grison, C., Hoh, F., Basu, S., Granier, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30575723
Primary Citation Authors: Vasiliauskaite-Brooks, I., Healey, R.D., Rochaix, P., Saint-Paul, J., Sounier, R., Grison, C., Waltrich-Augusto, T., Fortier, M., Hoh, F., Saied, E.M., Arenz, C., Basu, S., Leyrat, C., Granier, S.
Deposition Date: 2018-04-06
Method: SLS
Structure of 6FXK
Structure ID: 6FXK
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: SLS
Structure of 6FXM
Structure ID: 6FXM
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6FXR
Structure ID: 6FXR
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6FXT
Structure ID: 6FXT
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6FXX
Structure ID: 6FXX
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: ESRF
Structure of 6FXY
Structure ID: 6FXY
Deposition Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Banushi, B., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30089812
Primary Citation Authors: Scietti, L., Chiapparino, A., De Giorgi, F., Fumagalli, M., Khoriauli, L., Nergadze, S., Basu, S., Olieric, V., Cucca, L., Banushi, B., Profumo, A., Giulotto, E., Gissen, P., Forneris, F.
Deposition Date: 2018-03-09
Method: SLS
Structure of 6FTR
Structure ID: 6FTR
Deposition Authors: Wiedorn, M.O., Oberthuer, D., Barty, A., Chapman, H.N.
Primary Citation Authors: Wiedorn, M.O., Oberthuer, D., Barty, A., Chapman, H.N.
Deposition Date: 2018-02-23
Structure of 6FJS
Structure ID: 6FJS
Deposition Authors: Botha, S., Baitan, D., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Oberthuer, D., Schmidt, C., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Perbandt, M., Chapman, H.N., Betzel, C.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 30224955
Primary Citation Authors: Botha, S., Baitan, D., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Oberthur, D., Schmidt, C., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Perbandt, M., Chapman, H.N., Betzel, C.
Deposition Date: 2018-01-23
Structure of 6BTA
Structure ID: 6BTA
Deposition Authors: Fraser, J.S., Kenner, L.R., Liu, L.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29615624
Primary Citation Authors: Otten, R., Liu, L., Kenner, L.R., Clarkson, M.W., Mavor, D., Tawfik, D.S., Kern, D., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2017-12-06
Method: ALS
Structure of 6BBX
Structure ID: 6BBX
Deposition Authors: Chang, C.Y., Chang, C., Nocek, B., Rudolf, J.D., Joachimiak, A., Phillips, G.N., Shen, B., Enzyme Discovery for Natural Product Biosynthesis (NatPro), Midwest Center for Structural Genomics (MCSG)
Primary Citation Authors: Chang, C.Y., Yan, X., Crnovcic, I., Annaval, T., Chang, C., Nocek, B., Rudolf, J.D., Yang, D., Hindra, Babnigg, G., Joachimiak, A., Phillips Jr., G.N., Shen, B.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-19
Structure of 6B73
Structure ID: 6B73
Deposition Authors: Che, T., Majumdar, S., Zaidi, S.A., Kormos, C., McCorvy, J.D., Wang, S., Mosier, P.D., Uprety, R., Vardy, E., Krumm, B.E., Han, G.W., Lee, M.Y., Pardon, E., Steyaert, J., Huang, X.P., Strachan, R.T., Tribo, A.R., Pasternak, G.W., Carroll, I.F., Stevens, R.C., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Wacker, D., Roth, B.L.
Primary Citation Authors: Che, T., Majumdar, S., Zaidi, S.A., Kormos, C., McCorvy, J.D., Wang, S., Mosier, P.D., Uprety, R., Vardy, E., Krumm, B.E., Han, G.W., Lee, M.Y., Pardon, E., Steyaert, J., Huang, X.P., Strachan, R.T., Tribo, A.R., Pasternak, G.W., Carroll, I.F., Stevens, R.C., Cherezov, V., Katritch, V., Wacker, D., Roth, B.L.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-03
Method: APS
Structure of 6B68
Structure ID: 6B68
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B69
Structure ID: 6B69
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6A
Structure ID: 6B6A
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6B
Structure ID: 6B6B
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6C
Structure ID: 6B6C
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6D
Structure ID: 6B6D
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6E
Structure ID: 6B6E
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B6F
Structure ID: 6B6F
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-10-01
Structure of 6B5X
Structure ID: 6B5X
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-09-29
Structure of 6B5Y
Structure ID: 6B5Y
Deposition Authors: Pandey, S., Schmidt, M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29848358
Primary Citation Authors: Olmos, J.L., Pandey, S., Martin-Garcia, J.M., Calvey, G., Katz, A., Knoska, J., Kupitz, C., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Oberthuer, D., Yefanov, O., Wiedorn, M., Heyman, M., Holl, M., Pande, K., Barty, A., Miller, M.D., Stern, S., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J., Nagaratnam, N., Zook, J., Verburgt, J., Norwood, T., Poudyal, I., Xu, D., Koglin, J., Seaberg, M.H., Zhao, Y., Bajt, S., Grant, T., Mariani, V., Nelson, G., Subramanian, G., Bae, E., Fromme, R., Fung, R., Schwander, P., Frank, M., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Zatsepin, N., Spence, J., Fromme, P., Chapman, H.N., Pollack, L., Tremblay, L., Ourmazd, A., Phillips, G.N., Schmidt, M.
Deposition Date: 2017-09-29
Structure of 6AX6
Structure ID: 6AX6
Deposition Authors: Guo, H., Tsai, C., Miller, M.D., Alvarado, S., Tainer, J.A., Phillips Jr., G.N., Kurie, J.M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29410444
Primary Citation Authors: Guo, H.F., Tsai, C.L., Terajima, M., Tan, X., Banerjee, P., Miller, M.D., Liu, X., Yu, J., Byemerwa, J., Alvarado, S., Kaoud, T.S., Dalby, K.N., Bota-Rabassedas, N., Chen, Y., Yamauchi, M., Tainer, J.A., Phillips, G.N., Kurie, J.M.
Deposition Date: 2017-09-06
Method: APS
Structure of 6AX7
Structure ID: 6AX7
Deposition Authors: Guo, H., Tsai, C., Miller, M.D., Alvarado, S., Tainer, J.A., Phillips Jr., G.N., Kurie, J.M.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29410444
Primary Citation Authors: Guo, H.F., Tsai, C.L., Terajima, M., Tan, X., Banerjee, P., Miller, M.D., Liu, X., Yu, J., Byemerwa, J., Alvarado, S., Kaoud, T.S., Dalby, K.N., Bota-Rabassedas, N., Chen, Y., Yamauchi, M., Tainer, J.A., Phillips, G.N., Kurie, J.M.
Deposition Date: 2017-09-06
Method: APS
Structure of 6APF
Structure ID: 6APF
Deposition Authors: Mathews, I.I., Lyubimov, A., Soltis, M., Khosla, C., Cohen, A., Robbins, T.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28832129
Primary Citation Authors: Mathews, I.I., Allison, K., Robbins, T., Lyubimov, A.Y., Uervirojnangkoorn, M., Brunger, A.T., Khosla, C., DeMirci, H., McPhillips, S.E., Hollenbeck, M., Soltis, M., Cohen, A.E.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-17
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6APG
Structure ID: 6APG
Deposition Authors: Mathews, I.I., Lyubimov, A.Y., Soltis, S.M., Khosla, C., Robbins, T., Cohen, A.E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28832129
Primary Citation Authors: Mathews, I.I., Allison, K., Robbins, T., Lyubimov, A.Y., Uervirojnangkoorn, M., Brunger, A.T., Khosla, C., DeMirci, H., McPhillips, S.E., Hollenbeck, M., Soltis, M., Cohen, A.E.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-17
Method: SSRL
Structure of 6APK
Structure ID: 6APK
Deposition Authors: Lyubimov, A.Y., Mathews, I.I., Uervivojnangkoorn, M., Khosla, C., Soltis, S.M., Cohen, A.E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28832129
Primary Citation Authors: Mathews, I.I., Allison, K., Robbins, T., Lyubimov, A.Y., Uervirojnangkoorn, M., Brunger, A.T., Khosla, C., DeMirci, H., McPhillips, S.E., Hollenbeck, M., Soltis, M., Cohen, A.E.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-17
Structure of 6APM
Structure ID: 6APM
Deposition Authors: Lyubimov, A.Y., Mathews, I.I., Uervivojnangkoorn, M., Soltis, S.M., Cohen, A.E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28832129
Primary Citation Authors: Mathews, I.I., Allison, K., Robbins, T., Lyubimov, A.Y., Uervirojnangkoorn, M., Brunger, A.T., Khosla, C., DeMirci, H., McPhillips, S.E., Hollenbeck, M., Soltis, M., Cohen, A.E.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-17
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNP
Structure ID: 5WNP
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNQ
Structure ID: 5WNQ
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNR
Structure ID: 5WNR
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNS
Structure ID: 5WNS
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNT
Structure ID: 5WNT
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNU
Structure ID: 5WNU
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WNV
Structure ID: 5WNV
Deposition Authors: DeMirci, H.
Primary Citation Authors: Choi, J., Indrisiunaite, G., DeMirci, H., Ieong, K.-W., Wang, J., Petrov, A., Prabhakar, A., Rechavi, G., Dominissini, D., He, C., Ehrenberg, M., Puglisi, J.D.
Deposition Date: 2017-08-01
Method: SSRL
Structure of 5WC7
Structure ID: 5WC7
Deposition Authors: Fraser, J.S.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29615624
Primary Citation Authors: Otten, R., Liu, L., Kenner, L.R., Clarkson, M.W., Mavor, D., Tawfik, D.S., Kern, D., Fraser, J.S.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-29
Method: ALS
Structure of 5WAU
Structure ID: 5WAU
Deposition Authors: Fromme, R., Ishigami, I., Yeh, S.Y., Zatsepin, N., Grant, T., Fromme, P., Rousseau, D.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28698372
Primary Citation Authors: Ishigami, I., Zatsepin, N.A., Hikita, M., Conrad, C.E., Nelson, G., Coe, J.D., Basu, S., Grant, T.D., Seaberg, M.H., Sierra, R.G., Hunter, M.S., Fromme, P., Fromme, R., Yeh, S.R., Rousseau, D.L.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-27
Method: ALS
Structure of 5W97
Structure ID: 5W97
Deposition Authors: Rousseau, D.L., Yeh, S.-R., Ishigami, I., Zatsepin, N.A., Grant, T.D., Fromme, P., Fromme, R.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28698372
Primary Citation Authors: Ishigami, I., Zatsepin, N.A., Hikita, M., Conrad, C.E., Nelson, G., Coe, J.D., Basu, S., Grant, T.D., Seaberg, M.H., Sierra, R.G., Hunter, M.S., Fromme, P., Fromme, R., Yeh, S.R., Rousseau, D.L.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-22
Structure of 5O7M
Structure ID: 5O7M
Deposition Authors: Meents, A., Oberthuer, D., Lieske, J., Srajer, V., Sarrou, I.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 29097720
Primary Citation Authors: Meents, A., Wiedorn, M.O., Srajer, V., Henning, R., Sarrou, I., Bergtholdt, J., Barthelmess, M., Reinke, P.Y.A., Dierksmeyer, D., Tolstikova, A., Schaible, S., Messerschmidt, M., Ogata, C.M., Kissick, D.J., Taft, M.H., Manstein, D.J., Lieske, J., Oberthuer, D., Fischetti, R.F., Chapman, H.N.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-09
Method: APS
Structure of 5O64
Structure ID: 5O64
Deposition Authors: Dods, R., Baath, P., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28781082
Primary Citation Authors: Dods, R., Bath, P., Arnlund, D., Beyerlein, K.R., Nelson, G., Liang, M., Harimoorthy, R., Berntsen, P., Malmerberg, E., Johansson, L., Andersson, R., Bosman, R., Carbajo, S., Claesson, E., Conrad, C.E., Dahl, P., Hammarin, G., Hunter, M.S., Li, C., Lisova, S., Milathianaki, D., Robinson, J., Safari, C., Sharma, A., Williams, G., Wickstrand, C., Yefanov, O., Davidsson, J., DePonte, D.P., Barty, A., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-05
Structure of 5O5W
Structure ID: 5O5W
Deposition Authors: Steffen, B., Weinert, T., Ermler, U., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-06-02
Method: SLS
Structure of 5W0P
Structure ID: 5W0P
Deposition Authors: Zhou, X.E., He, Y., de Waal, P.W., Gao, X., Kang, Y., Van Eps, N., Yin, Y., Pal, K., Goswami, D., White, T.A., Barty, A., Latorraca, N.R., Chapman, H.N., Hubbell, W.L., Dror, R.O., Stevens, R.C., Cherezov, V., Gurevich, V.V., Griffin, P.R., Ernst, O.P., Melcher, K., Xu, H.E.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28753425
Primary Citation Authors: Zhou, X.E., He, Y., de Waal, P.W., Gao, X., Kang, Y., Van Eps, N., Yin, Y., Pal, K., Goswami, D., White, T.A., Barty, A., Latorraca, N.R., Chapman, H.N., Hubbell, W.L., Dror, R.O., Stevens, R.C., Cherezov, V., Gurevich, V.V., Griffin, P.R., Ernst, O.P., Melcher, K., Xu, H.E.
Deposition Date: 2017-05-31
Structure of 5O4C
Structure ID: 5O4C
Deposition Authors: Dods, R., Baath, P., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28781082
Primary Citation Authors: Dods, R., Bath, P., Arnlund, D., Beyerlein, K.R., Nelson, G., Liang, M., Harimoorthy, R., Berntsen, P., Malmerberg, E., Johansson, L., Andersson, R., Bosman, R., Carbajo, S., Claesson, E., Conrad, C.E., Dahl, P., Hammarin, G., Hunter, M.S., Li, C., Lisova, S., Milathianaki, D., Robinson, J., Safari, C., Sharma, A., Williams, G., Wickstrand, C., Yefanov, O., Davidsson, J., DePonte, D.P., Barty, A., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Deposition Date: 2017-05-28
Structure of 5NV4
Structure ID: 5NV4
Deposition Authors: Roversi, P., Caputo, A.T., Hill, J., Alonzi, D.S., Zitzmann, N.
Primary Citation Authors: Roversi, P., Marti, L., Caputo, A., Alonzi, D., Hill, J., Dent, K., Kumar, A., Levasseur, M., Lia, A., Waksman, T., Basu, S., Albrecht, Y.S., Qian, K., McIvor, J., Lipp, C., Siliqi, D., Vasiljevic, S., Mohammed, S., Lukacik, P., Walsh, M., Santino, A., Zitzmann, N.
Deposition Date: 2017-05-03
Method: ESRF
Structure of 5VN7
Structure ID: 5VN7
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Peng, L., Zinovev, E., Vlasov, A., Lee, S.C., Kuklin, A., Mishin, A., Borshchevskiy, V., Zhang, Q., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Peng, L., Zinovev, E., Vlasov, A., Lee, S.C., Kuklin, A., Mishin, A., Borshchevskiy, V., Zhang, Q., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-28
Method: APS
Structure of 5VN9
Structure ID: 5VN9
Deposition Authors: Ishchenko, A., Peng, L., Zinovev, E., Vlasov, A., Lee, S.C., Kuklin, A., Mishin, A., Borshchevskiy, V., Zhang, Q., Cherezov, V.
Primary Citation Authors: Ishchenko, A., Peng, L., Zinovev, E., Vlasov, A., Lee, S.C., Kuklin, A., Mishin, A., Borshchevskiy, V., Zhang, Q., Cherezov, V.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-28
Method: APS
Structure of 5NQT
Structure ID: 5NQT
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Steinmetz, M.O., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-21
Method: SLS
Structure of 5NQU
Structure ID: 5NQU
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Steinmetz, M.O., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-21
Method: SLS
Structure of 5XEZ
Structure ID: 5XEZ
Deposition Authors: Zhang, H., Qiao, A., Yang, D., Yang, L., Dai, A., de Graaf, C., Reedtz-Runge, S., Dharmarajan, V., Zhang, H., Han, G.Y., Grant, T., Sierra, R., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, L., Cai, X., Lin, G., Wu, X., Geng, Z., Dong, Y., Song, G., Griffin, P., Lau, J., Cherezov, V., Yang, H., Hanson, M., Stevens, R., Jiang, H., Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Wu, B.
Primary Citation Authors: Zhang, H., Qiao, A., Yang, D., Yang, L., Dai, A., de Graaf, C., Reedtz-Runge, S., Dharmarajan, V., Zhang, H., Han, G.Y., Grant, T., Sierra, R., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, L., Cai, X., Lin, G., Wu, X., Geng, Z., Dong, Y., Song, G., Griffin, P., Lau, J., Cherezov, V., Yang, H., Hanson, M., Stevens, R., Jiang, H., Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Wu, B.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-06
Structure of 5XF1
Structure ID: 5XF1
Deposition Authors: Zhang, H., Qiao, A., Yang, D., Yang, L., Dai, A., de Graaf, C., Reedtz-Runge, S., Dharmarajan, V., Zhang, H., Han, G.Y., Grant, T., Sierra, R., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, L., Cai, X., Lin, G., Wu, X., Geng, Z., Dong, Y., Song, G., Griffin, P., Lau, J., Cherezov, V., Yang, H., Hanson, M., Stevens, R., Jiang, H., Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Wu, B.
Primary Citation Authors: Zhang, H., Qiao, A., Yang, D., Yang, L., Dai, A., de Graaf, C., Reedtz-Runge, S., Dharmarajan, V., Zhang, H., Han, G.Y., Grant, T., Sierra, R., Weierstall, U., Nelson, G., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, L., Cai, X., Lin, G., Wu, X., Geng, Z., Dong, Y., Song, G., Griffin, P., Lau, J., Cherezov, V., Yang, H., Hanson, M., Stevens, R., Jiang, H., Wang, M., Zhao, Q., Wu, B.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-06
Method: SPRING-8
Structure of 5NLX
Structure ID: 5NLX
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Cheng, R., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-05
Method: SLS
Structure of 5NM2
Structure ID: 5NM2
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Cheng, R., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-05
Method: SLS
Structure of 5NM4
Structure ID: 5NM4
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Cheng, R., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Hennig, M., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-05
Structure of 5NM5
Structure ID: 5NM5
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Steinmetz, M.O., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-04-05
Method: SLS
Structure of 5NJM
Structure ID: 5NJM
Deposition Authors: Weinert, T., Vera, L., Marsh, M., James, D., Gashi, D., Nogly, P., Jaeger, K., Standfuss, J.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28912485
Primary Citation Authors: Weinert, T., Olieric, N., Cheng, R., Brunle, S., James, D., Ozerov, D., Gashi, D., Vera, L., Marsh, M., Jaeger, K., Dworkowski, F., Panepucci, E., Basu, S., Skopintsev, P., Dore, A.S., Geng, T., Cooke, R.M., Liang, M., Prota, A.E., Panneels, V., Nogly, P., Ermler, U., Schertler, G., Hennig, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Wang, M., Standfuss, J.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-29
Method: SLS
Structure of 5NJP
Structure ID: 5NJP
Deposition Authors: Oberthuer, D., Meents, A., Beyerlein, K.R., Chapman, H.N., Lieseke, J.
Primary Citation Authors: Beyerlein, K.R., Dierksmeyer, D., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Sarrou, I., Ottaviano, A., Awel, S., Knoska, J., Fuglerud, S., Jonsson, O., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Yefanov, O., Adriano, L., Bean, R., Burkhardt, A., Fischer, P., Heymann, M., Horke, D.A., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Kovaleva, E., Lorbeer, O., Metz, M., Meyer, J., Morgan, A., Pande, K., Panneerselvam, S., Seuring, C., Tolstikova, A., Lieske, J., Aplin, S., Roessle, M., White, T.A., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A., Oberthuer, D.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-29
Structure of 5NJQ
Structure ID: 5NJQ
Deposition Authors: Oberthuer, D., Meents, A., Beyerlein, K.R., Chapman, H.N., Lieseke, J.
Primary Citation Authors: Beyerlein, K.R., Dierksmeyer, D., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Sarrou, I., Ottaviano, A., Awel, S., Knoska, J., Fuglerud, S., Jonsson, O., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Yefanov, O., Adriano, L., Bean, R., Burkhardt, A., Fischer, P., Heymann, M., Horke, D.A., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Kovaleva, E., Lorbeer, O., Metz, M., Meyer, J., Morgan, A., Pande, K., Panneerselvam, S., Seuring, C., Tolstikova, A., Lieske, J., Aplin, S., Roessle, M., White, T.A., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A., Oberthuer, D.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-29
Structure of 5NJR
Structure ID: 5NJR
Deposition Authors: Oberthuer, D., Meents, A., Beyerlein, K.R., Chapman, H.N., Lieseke, J.
Primary Citation Authors: Beyerlein, K.R., Dierksmeyer, D., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Sarrou, I., Ottaviano, A., Awel, S., Knoska, J., Fuglerud, S., Jonsson, O., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Yefanov, O., Adriano, L., Bean, R., Burkhardt, A., Fischer, P., Heymann, M., Horke, D.A., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Kovaleva, E., Lorbeer, O., Metz, M., Meyer, J., Morgan, A., Pande, K., Panneerselvam, S., Seuring, C., Tolstikova, A., Lieske, J., Aplin, S., Roessle, M., White, T.A., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A., Oberthuer, D.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-29
Structure of 5NJS
Structure ID: 5NJS
Deposition Authors: Oberthuer, D., Meents, A., Beyerlein, K.R., Chapman, H.N., Lieseke, J.
Primary Citation Authors: Beyerlein, K.R., Dierksmeyer, D., Mariani, V., Kuhn, M., Sarrou, I., Ottaviano, A., Awel, S., Knoska, J., Fuglerud, S., Jonsson, O., Stern, S., Wiedorn, M.O., Yefanov, O., Adriano, L., Bean, R., Burkhardt, A., Fischer, P., Heymann, M., Horke, D.A., Jungnickel, K.E.J., Kovaleva, E., Lorbeer, O., Metz, M., Meyer, J., Morgan, A., Pande, K., Panneerselvam, S., Seuring, C., Tolstikova, A., Lieske, J., Aplin, S., Roessle, M., White, T.A., Chapman, H.N., Meents, A., Oberthuer, D.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-29
Structure of 5NJ4
Structure ID: 5NJ4
Deposition Authors: Dods, R., Baath, P., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Primary Citiation PubMed ID: 28781082
Primary Citation Authors: Dods, R., Bath, P., Arnlund, D., Beyerlein, K.R., Nelson, G., Liang, M., Harimoorthy, R., Berntsen, P., Malmerberg, E., Johansson, L., Andersson, R., Bosman, R., Carbajo, S., Claesson, E., Conrad, C.E., Dahl, P., Hammarin, G., Hunter, M.S., Li, C., Lisova, S., Milathianaki, D., Robinson, J., Safari, C., Sharma, A., Williams, G., Wickstrand, C., Yefanov, O., Davidsson, J., DePonte, D.P., Barty, A., Branden, G., Neutze, R.
Deposition Date: 2017-03-28