Events: 2014/11
- 12 Nov 2014
- 01:00 PM (ET)
- to 02:30 PM (ET)
BioXFEL Lecture Series - Production and Properties of XFEL Radiation
Category: Seminar
Online Colloquium: Production and Properties of XFEL Radiation with Professor Pietro Musumeci of UCLA Wed., November 12th at 1pm EST, noon CST, 11am MST, 10am PST.
- 13 Nov 2014
- 11:00 AM (timezone n/a)
- to 12:00 PM (timezone n/a)
Femtosecond crystallography of membrane proteins in the lipidic cubic phase (LCP) Webinar
Category: Seminar
Rigaku Webinar Series Despite recent technological advances in heterologous expression, stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins (MPs), their structural studies remain difficult and require new transformative approaches. During the past two years, crystallization in lipidic cubic …
- 17 Nov 2014
- 02:30 PM (timezone n/a)
- to 03:30 PM (timezone n/a)
Area Detectors for XFELs - Challenges and Developments
Category: Seminar
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS *SPECIAL SEMINAR* Monday, November 17, 2014 2:30 PM 487 Goldwater Center Cornelia “Trixi” Wunderer DESY Photon Science Detector Group Host: John Spence Area Detectors for XFELs - Challenges and …
- 21 Nov 2014
- 09:00 AM (timezone n/a)
- to 04:00 PM (timezone n/a)