OrganizationLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Telephone(925) 423-5068
Address(s)Matthias Frank
Physical & Life Sciences
Division 7000 East Avenue, Mail Stop L-211
Livermore, CA 94551
Dr. Matthias Frank is the group leader of the Advanced Diagnostics and Instrumentation Group in the Physics Division of the Physical & Life Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). He is currently working on developing and demonstrating techniques for high-resolution, dynamical imaging of biomolecules and biological nanoparticles with X-ray free-electron lasers, such as the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC. He is also working on advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of single cells, aerosol particles, human effluents and breath for applications in national/homeland security and biomedicine.
From 1994-2001, Dr. Frank worked as a postdoctoral and staff scientist in the Advanced Detector Group at LLNL on the development of high-resolution cryogenic detectors for X-rays and gamma rays with applications in astrophysics, nuclear non-proliferation and X-ray spectroscopy of semiconductors and metalloproteins. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In the fall of 1993, he joined LLNL, becoming a postdoctoral fellow in early 1994. Dr. Frank has authored and co-authored over 125 articles published in scientific journals and books.
As part of the BioXFEL Center, Dr. Frank, is a leader in the development of gas-phase injectors for single-particles, and has taken a leading role in development of the pump laser systems for time-resolved nanocrystallography. He has worked on various aerosol, electrospray and nebulizer techniques which will contribute to advance the Center’s research.