OrganizationCenter for Free-Electron Laser Science
Employment StatusGovernment Agency
Kara Zielinski first completed a BioXFEL internship in 2015 in Brenda Hogue’s lab at Arizona State University, where she learned about protein expression and crystallization and was initially introduced to the BioXFEL Community. She was immediately excited about the potential to make molecular movies with X-ray Free Electron Lasers and knew she wanted to keep doing XFEL related research. In 2016, she did research in Henry Chapman’s lab at the Center for Free Electron Lasers in Hamburg Germany, where she was first exposed to microfluidics and sample delivery techniques. In 2017, she returned to the Hogue lab to complete a second BioXFEL internship. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biophysics in 2018 from the George Washington University, she completed a Fulbright Fellowship where she again worked in the Chapman lab on sample delivery for serial crystallography at synchrotrons. In 2019, she started her graduate studies in biophysics in Lois Pollack’s lab at Cornell University, where she is developing microfluidic devices for mix-and-inject serial crystallography at XFELs and synchrotrons. The support from BioXFEL has allowed Zielinski to quickly get introduced to the field and jump started her trajectory towards graduate school.