The 2014 BioXFEL Data Analysis Workshop was held August 21st - 22nd with lectures and tutorials from experts and developers in XFEL data analysis techniques. All lectures are now available online with video, interactive online presentations, and downloadable PDF slides.


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Serial crystallography is a rapidly growing field with a correspondingly rapidly growing user base. One of the main bottlenecks in serial crystallography is the ability to rapidly filter and analyze large datasets to arrive at accurate structure factors for structure solution and refinement. This workshop is designed as an introduction to serial crystallography analysis tools, and discussion of how to recognize and address data processing challenges and assess the data quality compared to 'normal' synchrotron crystallography.

Instructors include Paul Adams (LBNL), John Spence (ASU/LBNL), Anton Barty (CFEL), Karol Nass (MPI), Tom White (CFEL), Nick Sauter (LBNL), Aaron Brewster (LBNL), Johan Hattne (HHMI), Oliver Zeldin (Stanford), James Holton (UCSF/LBNL), Wolfgang Brehm (University of Konstanz), and Chris O'Grady (SLAC)