8. Managing and copying LCLS data
Data Analysis
This resource belongs to the Data Analysis group.
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Managing your LCLS data
Refer to https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/PCDS/Managing+Files
Data transfer from LCLS
There are a number of options for copying your data from LCLS:
1. You can use the psexport pool for copying your LCLS data via ssh
$ ssh <username>psexport.slac.stanford.edu
$ rsync -arx --stats --progress <username>@psexport.slac.stanford.edu:/reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi84914/scratch/<username> .
2. A faster and usually more reliable way to copy your data from LCLS (you only need the hits; so you won't need to copy all the xtc's) is using Globus Online or bbcp.
PREVIOUS: 7. Working with LCLS data remotely. NEXT: 9. Indexing, merging, evaluating crystal diffraction data: CrystFEL
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