Jun 20 2016
XFEL Lightsource Seminar
BioXFEL is pleased to announce its XFEL Lightsource Seminar for Industry Scientists and BioXFEL members. This seminar will be held Monday, June 20th and is free of charge. Participants may attend …
Cheetah documentation page 2
23 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Richard Kirian
Cheetah documentation Page 2. Click here for Page 1. Click here for a list of all keywords. The official Cheetah website is http://www.desy.de/~barty/cheetah/ These pages will not …
Cheetah documentation
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
What is Cheetah and how do you use it?
Cheetah documentation - all keywords
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Richard Kirian, Nadia Zatsepin
List of all Cheetah's keywords
1. Before your beamtime
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Advice for preparing for an LCLS beamtime, especially for data analysts.
2. During your beamtime
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Important tasks for data analysts during the LCLS beamtime. Explanation of LCLS eLog.
3. Accessing your data
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Where is your LCLS data? How long will it be there?
4. Detectors and geometry
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
CXI detectors and geometry
5. Data reduction and hit finding
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Richard A Kirian
LCLS data reduction and hit finding. Running Cheetah at LCLS. Tuning hit finding parameters and understanding Cheetah's output.
6. Live data monitoring and interactive hit finding refinement: OnDA
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
OnDA - live data monitoring and interactive hit finding refinement
7. Working with LCLS data remotely
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Working with LCLS data remotely
8. Managing and copying LCLS data
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
LCLS data management and transfer.
9. Indexing, merging, evaluation crystal diffraction data: CrystFEL
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
Indexing, merging, evaluation serial crystallography data
LCLS serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis instructions
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
SFX data analysis at LCLS Overview.
20 Apr 2015 | Downloads
Framesorter is a script for parsing the output from Cheetah