Small Angle X-Ray Scattering as a Complementary Tool for High-Throughput Structural Studies
21 May 2014 | Publications | Contributor(s): Tom Grant, Edward Snell
Structural crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy are the predominant techniques for understanding the biological world on a molecular level. Crystallography is constrained …
Introduction to Biological Small Angle Scattering
08 May 2014 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Tom Grant
(YouTube Video Below) An introductory course to small angle X-ray scattering intended for beginners in the field and those interesting in learning more about solution-based scattering. Topics covered …
Conformation sequence recovery of a non-periodic object from a diffraction-before-destruction experiment
06 Apr 2014 | Publications | Contributor(s): F. Stellato, C. H. Yoon, M. Kiskinova, F. Capotondi, R. J. Bean, M. Barthelmess, F. Wang, E. Pedersoli, R. A. Kirian, L. Raimondi, Henry Chapman
Knowledge of the sequence of different conformational states of a protein molecule is key to better understanding its biological function. A diffraction pattern from a single conformational state …
Fiber Diffraction without Fibers
26 Jun 2013 | Publications | Contributor(s): H. C. Poon, CMS Manager, Dilano Saldin, Peter Schwander, Miraj Uddin
Postprocessing of diffraction patterns of completely randomly oriented helical particles, as measured, for example, in so-called "diffract-and-destroy'' experiments with an x-ray free electron laser …
Breaking the radiation damage limit with Cryo-SAXS
07 Jan 2013 | Publications | Contributor(s): M. Warkentin, H. Chen, R. E. Thorne, R. E. Gillilan, J. B. Hopkins, S. P. Meisburger, Lois Pollack
Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) is a versatile and widely used technique for obtaining low-resolution structures of macromolecules and complexes. SAXS experiments measure molecules in solution, …
The symmetries of image formation by scattering. II. Applications
03 Jun 2012 | Publications | Contributor(s): D. Giannakis, C. H. Yoon, CMS Manager, Abbas Ourmazd, Peter Schwander
Small-angle X-ray scattering and single-molecule FRET spectroscopy produce highly divergent views of the low-denaturant unfolded state
03 May 2012 | Publications | Contributor(s): G. Haran, T. R. Sosnick, K. Plaxco, S. P. Meisburger, J. Hinshaw, T. Y. Yoo, Lois Pollack
The results of more than a dozen single-molecule Forster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) experiments suggest that chemically unfolded polypeptides invariably collapse from an expanded random coil …
Purification and SAXS analysis of the integrin linked kinase, PINCH, parvin (IPP) heterotrimeric complex
31 Dec 2011 | Publications | Contributor(s): A. L. Stiegler, T. J. Boggon, D. A. Calderwood, Tom Grant, Joseph Luft, Edward Snell
The heterotrimeric protein complex containing the integrin linked kinase (ILK), parvin, and PINCH proteins, termed the IPP complex, is an essential component of focal adhesions, where it interacts …
Reconstructing an icosahedral virus from single-particle diffraction experiments
28 Aug 2011 | Publications | Contributor(s): H. C. Poon, CMS Manager, Dilano Saldin, Marius Schmidt, Peter Schwander, Miraj Uddin
The first experimental data from single-particle scattering experiments from free electron lasers (FELs) are now becoming available. The first such experiments are being performed on relatively …