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  1. workshops
  2. data analysis workshops
  3. and STEM and LEA working workshops and interventions by peer mentoring with Graduate and Undergradua
  1. BioXFEL Graduate Student Cross-Training Scholarship

    Teaching Materials 11 Nov 2015

    BioXFEL is committed to providing our students with opportunities to diversify their skill sets and integrate themselves into our highly multidisciplinary Center. In addition to the workshops, conferences and online courses, we will now be offering our students the opportunity to train in another technique in another laboratory within the Center.

  2. 2014 Data Analysis Workshop

    Workshops 26 Aug 2014 Contributor(s): Tom Grant, Nadia Zatsepin

    Video and interactive web presentations with PDF slides available for download. Description Serial crystallography is a rapidly growing field with a correspondingly rapidly growing user base. One of the main bottlenecks in serial crystallography is the ability to efficiently filter and analyze large datasets to arrive at accurate structure factors

  3. Introduction to serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis

    Series 21 Jul 2015 Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant

    Click or use the left and right arrow keys to advance forward and backward in this embedded presentation (downloadable PDF available in the Supporting Docs tab above) Serial femtosecond crystallography with X-ray free electron lasers X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) have enabled biomolecular nano- and micro-crystallography at ambient

  4. 1. Before your beamtime

    Series 21 Jul 2015 Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin

    Before your beamtime 1. Get an account in the LCLS system.   You need a SLAC user portal account (you must be listed as a collaborator on a proposal to get one), and you also need a unix account. Follow the instructions here: Make sure your SLAC Cyber Security Training is up to date,