About the Group
Marius Schmidt is using physical methods to investigate biological molecules. He is concentrating mainly on static and time-resolved macromolecular crystallography to investigate the structure, dynamics and kinetics of proteins. Dr. Schmidt is also developing new, sophisticated software for the analysis of the time-resolved (4-dimensional) X-ray data. Results from crystallography are corroborated by (time or energy resolved) spectroscopic methods. Dr. Schmidt’s lab, as part of the BioXFEL Center, will work on time-resolved studies on photoactive proteins and enzymes at near-atomic resolution. The time-resolution varies between fs to observe the earliest events in laser activated reactions, and ns and longer to investigate enzymatically catalyzed reactions. They will employ time-resolved serial femtosecond (nano) crystallography (TR-SFX), as well as time-resolved X-ray scattering from solution to determine atomic structures of transient intermediates of these reactions. http://pantherfile.uwm.edu/smarius/www/