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    University at Buffalo

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    University / College Faculty

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  • Biography

    Dr. Szyperski studied Biochemistry and Chemistry as a Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation (‘Studienstiftung’) at, respectively, the University of Tübingen and the Technical University of Munich, Germany (Master’s degree in 1988). After a visiting stay at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, focusing on Quantum Chemistry with Peter Schwerdtfeger, he moved to the ETH Zürich, Switzerland, to receive with Kurt Wüthrich his Ph.D. (1992), for which he received the ‘Medal of the ETH’, and Habilitation (1998) in Biological NMR / Biophysics. In 1998 Dr. Szyperski assumed an Associate Professorship in the Chemistry Department at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Currently serves as a UB Distinguished Professor and is Director of the High-field NMR facility. Since 1999 he is also an Adjunct Senior Researcher of the Hauptman-Woodward Institute. In 2006 Dr. Szyperski received the Laukien prize for the development of methodology for rapid acquisition of NMR data with high-dimensional spectral information. Dr. Szyperski’s research focuses on (i) NMR-based structural biology of proteins and their complexes, (ii) NMR-support of protein engineering, (iii) metabolic profiling of bacterial and yeast cells using 13C-labeling and metabolic flux balancing analyses, (iv) NMR/MS-based metabonomics of human serum specimens, and (v) development of advanced NMR methodologies. He co-authored more than 160 publications (see his home page for a complete list) and 166 Protein Data Bank entries of NMR solution structures. He is an inventor of nine US patents. He has advised in his laboratory 16 undergraduate students, 12 graduate students and 23 postdoctoral researchers.

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