2015 Serial Crystallography Data Analysis Workshop at ACA Annual Meeting.
23 Apr 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant
We are running a serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis workshop at ACA 2015 in Philadelphia, PA, focused on "Serial Crystallography Data Analysis with Cheetah and CrystFEL: Concepts and Tutorials". www.amercrystalassn.org/2015-wk.02 Workshop format: The workshop will start with an …
2014 Data Analysis Workshop
26 Aug 2014 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Tom Grant, Nadia Zatsepin
Video and interactive web presentations with PDF slides available for download. Description Serial crystallography is a rapidly growing field with a correspondingly rapidly growing user base. One of the main bottlenecks in serial crystallography is the ability to efficiently filter and analyze …
SFX Data Analysis Workshop at 2015 ACA
25 Jul 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant, Cornelius Gati
Serial femtosecond crystallography has yielded several major and unique advances in structural biology previously unattainable with conventional technologies, including the potential for sub-picosecond time-resolved crystallographic studies, probing cyclic or even non-cyclic reactions. With the …
2015 Phenix Workshop at Rice University
03 Apr 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Tom Grant, George Phillips
The Gulf Coast Consortia, BioXFEL, and Rice University present an instructional workshop on Phenix, the Python-based Hierarchical Environment for Intergrated Xtallography. Topics include experimental phasing, molecular replacement, model refinement and structure validation.
2016 Serial Crystallography Data Analysis Workshop at ACA Annual Meeting.
31 Mar 2016 | Workshops
We are running a serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis workshop at ACA 2016 in Denver, CO, focused on "Serial Crystallography Data Analysis with Cheetah and CrystFEL: Concepts and Tutorials". ACA 2016 Workshop Site Workshop format: The workshop will start with an introductory …
2015 Single Particle Imaging Workshop
17 Aug 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Russell Fung
How do you make a movie of a single particle jiggling and wiggling with atomic resolution and ultra-fast temporal resolution? How do you calculate the energy landscape or the kinetics/dynamics of a sequence of conformational changes? What do you do with millions and millions of snapshots, each for …
2015 HWI Crystallization Workshop
13 Oct 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Tom Grant, Bill Bauer, Edward Snell
Crystallization is the major bottleneck to 3D structure determination using X-ray crystallography. In this workshop we will discuss many tenets of successful crystallization for both conventional and serial crystallography. Many topics will be covered including fundamentals of crystal growth, …