Events: 2015/09
- 02 Sep 2015
- 03:00 PM (timezone n/a)
- to 04:30 PM (timezone n/a)
BioXFEL Lecture Series - Solution Scattering at XFELS - Dr. Pollack
Category: Seminar
Dr. Lois Pollack of Cornell University will be presenting a lecture entitled "Using X-rays to measure the solution structures of biomolecules: the present state of the art and how XFELS can advance it" This lecture will introduce solution scattering as a method of determining low resolution …
- 16 Sep 2015
- 03:00 PM (ET)
- to 04:30 PM (ET)
September BioXFEL Journal Club with Rahel Woldeyes (UCSF) and Jonathan Clinger (Rice)
Category: Seminar
For our September BioXFEL Journal Clubs we have 2 students presenting XFEL-related research papers. Rahel Woldeyes, a graduate student from UCSF, will present: "Liu, H., Zatsepin, N. A., et al. (2013). Ab-initio phasing using nanocrystal shape transforms with incomplete unit cells. IUCrJ 1, …
- 29 Sep 2015
- 08:00 AM (ET)
- to 04:30 PM (ET)
Category: Workshop
How do you make a movie of a single particle jiggling and wiggling with atomic resolution and ultra-fast temporal resolution? How do you calculate the energy landscape or the kinetics/dynamics of a sequence of conformational changes? What do you do with millions and millions of snapshots, each for …