
Nominations for the 2019 Spence Award

The Spence award, named after its first recipient, Prof. John Spence, is awarded by BioXFEL and recognizes excellence in the area of XFEL science applied to biological problems. Nominations are made internally by BioXFEL members but the award can go to any person at any stage of their career. 


BioXFEL Research Support Call for Proposals

The NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology Center has funding intended to support research at US institutions. This support is for the application of X-ray lasers to structural biology in collaboration with the BioXFEL STC. The aim is to foster collaboration with the BioXFEL Center and respond to current research needs and new directions.


Nora Berrah Named 2018 AAAS Fellow

Professor Nora Berrah of the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at University of Connecticut has been named a 2018 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


BioXFEL Researcher Alexandra Ros Receives Innovation Award

BioXFEL researcher, Alexandra Ros of Arizona State University, has received the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Innovation Award for her paper and presentation, “Electrically Triggered Water-in-Oil Droplets for Serial Femtosecond Crystallography.”


Call for Applications: 2019 Panofsky Fellowship at the SLAC

The Panofsky Fellowship honors SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s founder and first Director, Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky. It is intended to recognize exceptional and promising young scientists who would most benefit from the unique opportunity to conduct their research at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.


SACNAS Awards for BioXFEL Interns & Scholar

BioXFEL interns (Rice Univ. Summer 2017) Jesus Valencia and Jessica Weng, and BioXFEL Scholar Joey Olmos (Rice Univ.PhD candidate), were awarded presentation awards for their “Outstanding Research Presentation,” at the 2018 National Diversity in STEM Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The award announcement for the SACNAS presentations can be found here.